
  • GreedFall 2 needs to embrace its uniqueness as a selling point to stand out in the RPG genre.
  • The game should stick to its guns and not succumb to modern trends, like open-worlds and a realistic art style, to maintain its identity.
  • GreedFall 2's distinct DNA is key to its success and should not be compromised during development.

Role-playing games have been increasingly popular as of late, with blockbuster hits such as Square Enix's Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2 both taking and setting the stage for future games in the genre. The appeal of role-playing games generally centers around the degree of freedom they give players to customize the abilities, strengths, and appearances of their characters. However, modern RPGs have been pushing the boundaries a bit to offer a more atypical approach to the genre, and it has evolved as a result. Even so, GreedFall 2: The Dying World, Spiders' upcoming sequel to its 2019 cult hit, may be better off sticking to its guns than attempting to evolve its pre-established formula.

Spiders has yet to reveal too much about GreedFall 2, mostly because it will only be entering early access this summer as opposed to a full release, so it is still very much in development and will continue to be for some time. Nevertheless, its identity and distinct DNA should not be compromised during its development, simply for the sake of it remaining true to itself and set apart from the rest. What GreedFall 2 needs to do more than anything else is embrace its uniqueness and even double down on it as a selling point if it hopes to stand out and gain any sort of foothold amid its much larger competition.

GreedFall 2 Can't Pull Another Horizon With Its Release Date

With GreedFall 2's early access now confirmed for a summer release, it's vital to the game's success that it be strategic about its release date.

Why GreedFall 2 Should Probably Stick to Its Guns

GreedFall 2's Uniqueness Is Its Most Defining Characteristic

There is no denying that GreedFall is unique, but this is primarily due to it essentially being a decade late to the party — not that there is anything wrong with that. 2019's GreedFall was purposefully developed with the golden age of BioWare in mind, a time when the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic developer saw success after success as it boldly stepped forward to set imperishable precedents for the role-playing genre. In a way, GreedFall is the spiritual successor to BioWare's 2009 hit, Dragon Age: Origins. The two games bear a striking resemblance to one another, and this is all due to Spiders' appreciation for BioWare's acclaimed RPG formula. All of this serves to make GreedFall unique in the age of modern RPGs, and its sequel should embrace that uniqueness.

While GreedFall 2 is anticipated to follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, there is always the chance that it could succumb to the pressures of modern expectations and become something entirely different in the process. For instance, the temptation to embrace a fully open world like Dragon's Dogma 2 or even change its art style to align with today's visual standards might be too much to resist. However, doing so would arguably kill GreedFall 2 by making it nothing more than "another RPG," rather than the one-of-a-kind, nostalgic experience that its predecessor was. In every way, GreedFall 2's uniqueness is its most defining characteristic, and it shouldn't be robbed of that.

GreedFall 2's Uniqueness Is Its Best Selling Point

At some point, many modern RPGs begin to look the same. On account of what are the presumed expectations of the gaming community, RPGs mold themselves accordingly and take on different shapes and literal sizes to appeal to consumers. While this can prove successful on occasion, it very quickly bogs down the market with a bunch of lookalikes that aren't distinctive enough to garner ongoing success. As such, GreedFall 2 has an opportunity here to utilize its uniqueness as a massive selling point.

If GreedFall 2 chooses to embrace what sets it apart rather than giving in to modern expectations, it will likely be better off because of it. There is too much to love about the world of GreedFall for the next game in the series to get off track. Hopefully, GreedFall 2 will stick to its guns and offer up another unique experience.

greedfall 2
GreedFall 2: The Dying World

Spiders' GreedFall 2: The Dying World is an in-development action RPG that is slated to enter early access in the Summer of 2024.