
  • GreedFall 2 will undergo early access development to involve players and improve the experience.
  • It's Spiders' first direct prequel/sequel, setting a precedent for future games.
  • GreedFall 2's success may lead to other Spiders games receiving prequel/sequel treatment.

Despite charting somewhat familiar territory from a setting and gameplay standpoint, GreedFall 2: The Dying World is a massively different move for Spiders from what the developer is known for. Firstly, GreedFall 2 will be undergoing development during an indefinite early access period ahead of the full game's release. This is an unprecedented leap of faith for the developer, but the reason for it is primarily due to the first game's reception — which, although it wasn't overly poor, was filled with plenty of helpful criticisms and requests from fans and critics alike. By taking GreedFall 2 through early access, Spiders believes it can involve players in the development process to produce a quality experience outright, rather than relying on significant gameplay updates and patches after the full game is already out.

GreedFall 2 certainly differs from Spiders' previous titles in that it will be largely developed throughout an early access period. However, it is also technically the only game from Spiders to be a direct sequel (or rather, prequel) to another of the developer's games. This sets an important precedent for Spiders and the best of the games it has developed so far, assuming it continues to focus on developing new games after GreedFall 2.

GreedFall 2 Shouldn't Miss the Chance to Replicate Baldur's Gate 3's Biggest Strength

GreedFall 2 has everything it needs in Baldur's Gate 3 to spice up one of the first game's best features for an even more fulfilling experience.

GreedFall 2's Prequel Status Could Start a Trend for Spiders

Apart From GreedFall 2, Spiders Has Never Done a Direct Prequel/Sequel

Though some might not necessarily agree, Spiders has technically never done a sequel or prequel before GreedFall 2: The Dying World. GreedFall 2 will only be the developer's eleventh title, and it is the first direct prequel/sequel Spiders has ever done. That just goes to show how successful GreedFall has been — for Spiders to want to invest in it even further while its other games are standalone experiences — though it has largely been classified as a beloved cult classic rather than a critical success.

Some consider Spiders' sci-fi RPG gameThe Technomancer to be a sequel since it is set in the same universe as Mars: War Logs. However, The Technomancer does not continue the story of Mars: War Logs, so it is not technically a sequel. GreedFall 2, on the other hand, introduces a brand-new protagonist, but it will establish a foundation for the story of GreedFall as a prequel that takes place three years earlier.

GreedFall 2 Could Lead to More Spiders Games Receiving the Prequel/Sequel Treatment

Spiders is a fairly well-known indie developer with a couple of successes under its belt, though none have been quite as successful as GreedFall. After all, GreedFall brought fans of Dragon Age: Origins back to the glory days of BioWare, so it had that going for it. However, aside from GreedFall, Spiders developed other titles such as Steelrising and The Technomancer, neither of which are critical successes by any means, but both of which contribute something unique to the gaming landscape.

With Steelrising and The Technomancer being two of Spiders' most famous games aside from GreedFall, GreedFall 2 might pave the way for the developer to finally give either one of them a direct sequel. Steelrising, especially, is deserving of a sequel, and it might be one that Spiders could consider giving an early access period, just like GreedFall 2. Steelrising wasn't perfect by any means, but it scratched that Soulslike itch that many modern gamers crave today. The Technomancer is another Spiders title that deserves another chance, and a sequel could provide it with one.

It's currently unknown what Spiders' plans are after GreedFall 2: The Dying World, as its next game is likely many years away. Spiders has cryptically mentioned that GreedFall 2 could be in early access for at least a year, which means its next game probably won't even be announced for another two to three years. Nevertheless, rather than focusing on developing a new IP, it might do well for Spiders to continue the story of one of its other popular titles.

greedfall 2
GreedFall 2: The Dying World

Spiders' GreedFall 2: The Dying World is an in-development action RPG that is slated to enter early access in the Summer of 2024.

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Action RPG