
  • GreedFall 2 aims to offer players even more freedom of choice, with a fresh story and new characters.
  • Some fans felt that the choices in the original GreedFall lacked meaning and weight, despite the game offering five potential endings.
  • Spiders, the developer, seems aware of the importance of choice and is likely to focus on further improving this aspect in GreedFall 2.

Gamers crave freedom of choice in modern video games, especially when it comes to those in the role-playing genre. Thankfully, Spiders' 2019 cult classic GreedFall allowed players a decent amount of freedom to choose their own path as they stepped into the shoes of its protagonist, De Sardet, and journeyed to the island of Teer Fradee. Now, GreedFall 2: The Dying World aims to take that journey to greater heights with a fresh story, brand-new characters, and compelling choices when it releases later this year.

Not much is currently known about GreedFall 2, aside from what the developer has shared in terms of the game's combat being improved. As such, it's impossible to know for certain just how much freedom GreedFall 2 will give its players to pave their own road in the RPG sequel. At the same time, based on the choices of GreedFall, it's likely the sequel will not only follow suit but also improve that particular feature.

GreedFall 2 Wish List

GreedFall was a great experience for traditional RPG fans, but GreedFall 2 could go even further with the addition of a few major features.

GreedFall's Choices Were Largely Divisive

Some Fans Felt GreedFall Lacked Meaningful Choices

GreedFall was originally marketed as a heavily choice-driven adventure, so it undoubtedly raised expectations, especially for fans of early BioWare games like Dragon Age: Origins who were anticipating GreedFall would rise to meet the standard. Whereas some players were thoroughly satisfied with the impact of the choices presented to them in GreedFall, others were vastly underwhelmed, left feeling like more could have been done with both the number of choices presented to them and their weightiness.

There are five different endings in GreedFall, meaning choices do eventually play a huge role in the narrative. There are also four romance options in GreedFall, which are not only affected by the choices players make but are also innately choices themselves. Many players felt that their choices weren't negatively affecting their reputation with GreedFall's various factions very often, however. Others felt that companions were not easily discouraged by their choices, making each decision even less meaningful. Despite these perspectives, however, some were pleased with the amount of freedom GreedFall gave them to go their own way.

Other Fans Praised the Depth and Amount of Choices in GreedFall

While some players found their choices in GreedFall did not have any lasting impact whatsoever, others made certain decisions that wound up taking them back to square one with a faction, or they were unable to save characters like Wilhelm because they weren't aware of the outcome. Perhaps when it comes to exploring possible options in GreedFall, the most devastating decisions are instead those that are unexpectedly drastic. Whatever the case, GreedFall's choices obviously had a significant impact on some, even if they didn't on others.

GreedFall 2 Will Likely Be Even More Choice-Driven Than Its Predecessor

Spiders has already established that it is aware of how much players enjoyed the ability to forge their own destiny in GreedFall, which means GreedFall 2 will more than likely improve upon that feature. As such, it may very well be that GreedFall 2 ends up being the choice-driven game that GreedFall was originally promised to be. Spiders has already openly committed to making combat more interesting in GreedFall 2, which may mean more customization as far as character skills and equipment go. In light of this, GreedFall 2 is already showing promise to have more options in general, and that might bleed over into more meaningful narrative choices as well.

As GreedFall 2: The Dying World's release approaches, Spiders will more than likely divulge more information about the game's various mechanics, including its choices. Until then, fans can rest easy knowing that Spiders likely won't neglect this aspect of the game, as it understands what its fans want. GreedFall 2 may end up channeling the glory days of BioWare to be a more choice-driven experience than its predecessor, but time will tell.