
  • GreedFall 2: The Dying World is a prequel to the original game, and will likely feature returning and possibly new factions.
  • The game may explore its factions in new and different lights, showing their hidden facets and inner workings.
  • Early access in Summer 2024 will allow players to start experiencing about 30% of the game's content.

GreedFall 2: The Dying World is the upcoming sequel to Spiders' 2019 original action RPG. GreedFall 2: The Dying World is poised to expand on the franchise's unique take on its pseudo-historical Age of Exploration period setting with fantasy aspects via a prequel story that ostensibly will draw heavily from and connect closely to the events of GreedFall. However, from the information Spiders has provided so far, fans can expect to experience it from a much different perspective, specifically in regard to its narrative design.

GreedFall 2 is stated to take place roughly three years prior to the opening of the first game. More notably, the protagonist will be a native of Teer Fradee, the exotic island that gamers explored in the first game, via prominent merchant and ambassador De Sardet. Given that, chances are high that at least some of the same major factions seen in it will feature to various degrees again. However, in addition to any possible returning individual characters in GreedFall 2, the very different station in life players will start from will likely greatly inform how they'll interact with these factions at large and could be quite unalike in comparison to how they appeared previously.

Although it does not yet have a firm release date, GreedFall 2 will enter early access this summer , allowing players to experience about 30% of its content to start.

GreedFall 2 Needs to Make the Most of its Prequel Status

GreedFall 2's position as a prequel grants it some big opportunities to take on different narratives angles from a sequel, and it should do so.

GreedFall 2 Might Present its Factions in Very Different Lights

GreedFall's Movers and Shakers

Among the collection of important organizations and nations of GreedFall's Old Continent, Gacane, players have encountered several of them. These include:

  • The Congregation of Merchants
  • Theleme
  • The Nauts
  • The Bridge Alliance
  • The Coin Guard
  • Teer Fradee

It can be reasonably assumed that Teer Fradee will be one of the most expanded upon, as GreedFall 2's main character is a resident who has been brought unwillingly to Gacane forms the core story setup. The island's peoples are composed of a variety of tribes, that, like the above counterparts, have their own web of political and power dynamics with each other that was in place well before foreign interests arrived to complicate matters in the original plot.

Each faction also had a subset of related storylines that delved further into their history and ambitions. One major example is The Coin Guard, wherein via an extensive questline, which, if fans saw it through to the end, led to the discovery of a grander conspiracy within the mercenary group along with the hidden history of De Sardet's lifelong bodyguard and companion, Kurt. Others had similar missions connected to their respective companions, all of which added to GreedFall's lore and intrigue, and will presumably continue to do so in The Dying World.

How GreedFall 2's Setup Could Shakeup the Perceptions and Presentation of its Factions

Members of the above factions (or at least leaders and other authority figures) were seen to be corrupt in certain cases, exploiting their positions of power as well as those around them for personal gain and/or increasing their chosen allegiance's leverage over the competition. Thelame's nation-state of theocratic hierarchy stands out as another example of questlines that dug deeper into factional politics and viewpoints. GreedFall 2's depiction of Teer Fradee, its protagonist, and their overall role, will surely greatly inform how these organizations may treat and present themselves to an outsider versus De Sardet, who was already well-known to many before their adventure began.

Thus, it's probable fans will be shown hidden facets of these factions, and be given further insight into their inner workings, especially in the lead-up to the events that occurred in the original game. Along with any returning characters and factions in GreedFall 2, there is a good chance that entirely new ones may play a part. As a final point, Spiders will need to be considerate of players who may not have experienced the first and are unfamiliar with many of its established elements, but are interested in the sequel. This would also provide an avenue for the factions to be portrayed much differently. Fans will not need to wait much longer before they can dip their toes into GreedFall 2 and see how this will all unfold.

greedfall 2
GreedFall 2: The Dying World

Spiders' GreedFall 2: The Dying World is an in-development action RPG that is slated to enter early access in the Summer of 2024.

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Action RPG