
  • GreedFall 2 will be released on Steam early access with 30% of content available, allowing player feedback to shape its development.
  • Spiders is keeping release details vague to prevent expectations, opting to take its time to create the best game possible.
  • Player feedback on GreedFall's combat and companionship has influenced the decision to focus on player involvement for GreedFall 2's development.

Spiders' GreedFall 2: The Dying World has finally been given a release window, though it won't be a traditional release. Instead, the developer has chosen to place GreedFall 2 on Steam early access for an indefinite period, at least until it feels the game is finished and in a state that fans are satisfied with it. To kick off GreedFall 2's early access, Spiders is giving players access to 30% of the game's content. From there, it will include players in the development process by providing regular updates to the game based on player feedback, though it's unclear whether more than 30% of the game will ever become available during the early access period.

Up to this point, Spiders has not been clear about how long it believes it will take to finish GreedFall 2: The Dying World. Even when asked how long the developer expects development to take, it has been cryptic, most likely to prevent expectations from getting out of hand. While it could be tempting to rush the development process for GreedFall 2, Spiders might be better off playing this one by ear to ensure the game ends up in the best place it could possibly be by the end of its early access period.

GreedFall 2 Could Benefit From Copying Dragon Dogma 2's Interior Homework

GreedFall 2 should take a note from Dragon's Dogma 2's infrastructure and improve upon its predecessor's copy-and-paste approach to interior design.

Why GreedFall 2's Early Access Shouldn't Be Afraid to Play It By Ear

GreedFall Is Great, But Its Development Needed More Time and Player Feedback

When viewed through a certain lens, there is little wrong with the first GreedFall game. When it's perceived as an imitation of classic BioWare-esque RPGs, it's difficult to criticize it. By and large, GreedFall takes many beloved features of the glory days of BioWare games and transforms them into somewhat of a more modern role-playing experience. Still, in some ways, those features can feel antiquated and prove that GreedFall's development could have used more time and possibly benefited from player feedback ahead of its release.

Firstly, GreedFall's combat is passable but arguably one of its most underwhelming features. For the most part, players can subdue their foes using just a few attacks, and their companions can't be directly controlled during battles. It relies on a rather simple approach to combat and leaves very little room for varied playstyles. Additionally, GreedFall's companions, although they are one of the game's highlights, provide fairly shallow quest lines and don't rely on player agency as heavily as early BioWare games did.

These shortcomings and more are what players have pointed out since GreedFall was released in 2019 , proving that its development could have benefited from player feedback and more time ahead of its launch.

A Patient Early Access Could Only Benefit GreedFall 2 in the Long Run

Just as GreedFall could have used more time and feedback ahead of its launch, the same rule applies to GreedFall 2. Thankfully, this is precisely why Spiders has chosen to place GreedFall 2 in early access rather than giving it an immediate full release.

Still, there is the possibility of pressure coming from some players who have been waiting almost five years for the sequel to arrive, but Spiders should resist that pressure at all costs and simply board the early access boat and let the wind carry it to shore. GreedFall 2: The Dying World has the potential to be every bit the game that GreedFall wanted to be and more, and while a lengthy early access period might sound exhausting to those who have long-awaited the game's arrival, it can only benefit GreedFall 2 in the long run.

greedfall 2
GreedFall 2: The Dying World

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Action RPG