
  • GreedFall 2: The Dying World set for early access release, features familiar faces.
  • Olima, the city of Aphra's birth, is a confirmed location in GreedFall 2.
  • There's a possibility of Aphra's return to GreedFall 2, with potential deeper story exploration.

Spiders' GreedFall 2: The Dying World has officially been confirmed for an early access release this summer, which means players will be able to dive into the game sooner rather than later, even though it will only initially feature a portion of the full game. Although it is the second game in the series, GreedFall 2 is technically a prequel, as it takes place three years before the first game. This brings with it the obvious implication that players could be reunited with some of the first game's beloved characters.

While it hasn't been confirmed which characters players will see return in GreedFall 2, Spiders has indicated that there will indeed be some familiar faces greeting them in the sequel. GreedFall is filled with memorable characters, but its most notable are the various companions that join De Sardet on their journey across Teer Fradee. As such, it’s likely these "familiar faces" Spiders is referring to are some of the first game's companions. As it turns out, one GreedFall companion may already be set up to return in GreedFall 2, based on a confirmed location players will be visiting in the sequel.

De Sardet Isn't the Only Character That GreedFall 2 Should Bring Back

GreedFall 2's setup invites the possibility of a character other than the original's protagonist making an appearance in some manner.

Aphra Is Already Set Up to Return in GreedFall 2

Players Will Travel to Olima in GreedFall 2

Spiders has already confirmed a handful of locations that players will be able to visit in GreedFall 2: The Dying World, even during its initial early access period, and among those locations is the city of Olima on the Old Continent of Gacane. Fans of the first game will recognize Olima as the place where Aphra, one of GreedFall's companions, was born. Olima is a city located near Al Saad and belongs to the Bridge Alliance, Aphra's faction, and its presence in GreedFall 2 undoubtedly suggests Aphra could make an appearance in the sequel.

GreedFall 2 Could Delve More Into Aphra's Story Before GreedFall

According to some dialogue between De Sardet and Aphra in GreedFall, Aphra states that she arrived at Teer Fradee "a little more than two years ago." This would put her in Olima during the time of GreedFall 2, so there is little reason to believe Spiders wouldn't leap at the opportunity to feature her, even if it is only for a brief cameo. On the other hand, it's possible Spiders may choose to delve a bit more into Aphra's story before the events of GreedFall, perhaps even to the point of making her a temporary companion in GreedFall 2.

Aphra was born into a family of astronomers who also wanted their daughter to explore the same occupation. When she grew older, however, Aphra had other plans. Rather than making her life's work about the stars, she preferred the earth and thus dedicated herself to studying nature. This is ultimately what led her to Teer Fradee, as she desired to study its flora. In light of all this, GreedFall 2 could see Aphra preparing to leave Olima with Doctor Asili, her mentor. Doctor Asili obsessed over finding a cure for the deadly Malichor disease, and this is largely what drove him to Teer Fradee, even if Aphra had other intentions. It would be interesting to see Aphra's story play out rather than simply hearing about it secondhand.

It hasn't been confirmed whether Aphra will make an appearance in GreedFall 2, but it seems likely. The road has been all but paved for the nature-loving scientist to return in the sequel, and her appearance would be especially welcomed if she were introduced as one of GreedFall 2's companions. This could even serve to give her more of a backstory that was unspoken in the first game, and would therefore add even more depth to her character. Time will tell, however, whether Spiders has chosen to include Aphra in GreedFall 2's cast of characters.