Just as it is with the classic BioWare games it is based on, one of GreedFall's best features is its companions. While GreedFall's exploration and combat aren't too much to write home about, the story makes up for any shortcomings, and it is largely due to the characters that drive it. Each companion has their own story and makes unique contributions to the overarching narrative with their dialogue, so long as they are present with the player as events unfold. Now, GreedFall 2: The Dying World has a chance to improve upon GreedFall's companion system, and it can do so by borrowing one of Baldur's Gate 3's strategies.

Baldur's Gate 3 has some of the best companion relationships to offer in the role-playing genre of video games. This is largely due to the amount of time it invests into each character, as they all have very rich backstories that make up who they are. There are plenty of ways Baldur's Gate 3 goes about ensuring its companions are worth the player's time, and GreedFall 2: The Dying World could take note of these methods for its own companions.

Why GreedFall 2's Protagonist Is Already Totally Different From De Sardet

The premise of GreedFall 2 suggests its protagonist will likely face some difficulties that GreedFall's De Sardet never had to experience.

GreedFall 2 Can Take a Cue from Baldur's Gate 3 When It Comes to Companions

GreedFall's Companions Are Only Developed Through Quests

One of the primary ways a companion's character is developed in a game is through their dialogue. As companions speak to the player or involve themselves in various conversations throughout the game, more of their personality and backstory is exposed, whether it be intentionally or inadvertently. This means companions are more fleshed out the more a game allows them to speak. GreedFall certainly gives its companions opportunities to speak, but these opportunities are few and far between — something GreedFall 2 should take note of during early access.

Each companion in GreedFall really only gets an opportunity to speak during their quests or any other quests the player takes on while a companion is in their party. Sometimes, a companion will speak up and give their opinion during a quest, giving a brief glimpse into their viewpoint and character.

Furthermore, their own questlines are probably the best way for players to get to know them, but even those are very short-lived. Fortunately, GreedFall 2 has a great example of one of the best ways to remedy all of this at its disposal in Baldur's Gate 3.

GreedFall 2 Can Develop Its Companions Using Baldur's Gate 3's Companion Dialogue System

Baldur's Gate 3's companions are all fleshed out just like GreedFall's are — with their own quests and dialogue contributions during conversations — but the game goes the extra mile to give them an even bigger stage for character development. Firstly, Baldur's Gate 3's companions participate in regular banter with one another while players are out exploring.

This not only serves to further develop their own arcs but the relationships between each companion as well. Additionally, players can engage in deep and lengthy conversations with them at camp, and while it's possible to do this in GreedFall, those conversations really don't amount to much and are generally for the purpose of accepting quests from them.

GreedFall 2: The Dying World could spice up its companions by taking a cue from Baldur's Gate 3 and giving its companions plenty of time to talk. The quieter a companion is, the less players know about them and the less of a relationship they can have with them. If GreedFall 2 were to ensure its companions engaged in regular banter with one another and, like one of GreedFall's inspirations, Dragon Age: Origins, allowed players to have meaningful conversations with them at camp, it might make them even better this time around.

greedfall 2
GreedFall 2: The Dying World

Spiders' GreedFall 2: The Dying World is an in-development action RPG that is slated to enter early access in the Summer of 2024.

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Action RPG