Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is one of the greatest open-world games of all time. The game served as a perfect evolution of the open-world formula that Rockstar had experimented with in the last two games. The end result was one of the most enjoyable games of all time that players still adore to this day. The Definitive Edition might not be the best way to re-experience this classic, but it still serves as a great excuse for players to check out this game once again.

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A big part of San Andreas was taking over the territories in Los Santos and defeating rival gangs. It was a surprisingly engaging mechanic that becomes a necessity to be completed near the end of the game. Here are some tips to help players take over as many territories as possible without too much of an issue.

10 Always Stock Up In Ammu-Nation Beforehand

Ammu-Nation in GTA San Andreas

Going into a gang war with barebones equipment isn't recommended in the slightest. Players should take into account the fact that they'll be fighting waves upon waves of tough gangsters who have nothing to lose.

So, a trip to Ammu-Nation before a gang war is definitely a smart course of action to take. Doing so will ensure that players are armored and stocked up with ballistics to mow down even the toughest of foes.

9 Recruit Some Gang Members To Make Things Easier

sweet shooting in gta san andreas screenshot

Given the sheer number of foes players need to deal with in a gang war, it's important to have some support as well. This is where the members of the GSF come into the picture.

However, keep in mind that most friendly gang members are pretty abysmal in a fight, regardless of how many people you recruit for a battle. So, it's better for players to use their recruits as a distraction instead of relying on them to deal with the forces that appear during a gang war.

8 Run Around For Health And Armor Pickups During A Gang War

GTA San Andreas Combat Firing From A Motorcycle

After a gang war starts, players will be pushed back quite a bit as enemies come charging in with powerful weapons. This makes it important to figure out the means to stay alive at all times.

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Thankfully, gang wars feature enough health and armor pickups to let players survive right up until the very end. Players just need to be mobile and move around the map a lot to find these pickups.

7 Place Remote Explosives To Catch Enemies Off-Guard

An RPG in GTA San Andreas

Given the sheer strength of the mob that can arrive during a gang war, players should try and whittle down these gang members as much as possible. Explosives are a huge help in this regard.

With remote explosives, players can even set up traps to surprise enemies who are charging towards CJ. Players should just keep in mind that enemies spawn in the direction opposite to where CJ is looking. Place traps accordingly to make gang wars way easier.

6 Head To Fast Food Restaurants During A Gang War To Quickly Get Health

cj in burger shot san andreas photo

Sometimes, gang wars will happen in locations with a fast food joint. This is a great arena for a battle since players now have a great way to get some quick health when they're pushed against a brick wall.

After taking too much damage, players can simply head to the closest fast food joint and get some big meals to get CJ's health back. It might be a funny way to gain some health but is very much important when all health spawns have been consumed by the player.

5 Take The Weapons Of Enemies In The Third Wave To Bolster Your Arsenal

gta san andreas definitive edition cj

After fighting a ton of gang wars, some players simply won't have the funds to keep the assault going. However, if players are diligent enough, then they should be able to get a decent amount of ammunition during these fights.

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While the first wave of a gang war is pretty weak, subsequent waves have more powerful weapons. Killing these people off gives players a great outlet to refill their ammunition with ease.

4 Date Katie Zhan To Incur No Penalties Upon Dying

Katie Zhan in GTA San Andreas

There are several characters that CJ can date in San Andreas. However, most people consider Katie Zhan to be the best girlfriend of the lot, simply because of how important her perk is.

By dating Katie Zhan, players can cover the costs of their medical expenses for free. Along with this, they won't lose any of their weapons either, which is even more valuable for players who have amassed an incredible arsenal!

3 Try And Stay In Cover As Often As Possible

CJ running with dual uzis

Given how intense gang wars can get in San Andreas, players should try and limit any damage to CJ as much as possible. There's only so much that health and armor pickups can do to help out, after all.

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Minimizing any damage to CJ means that players should go in and out of cover as much as possible. Being smart and popping out of cover to deal serious damage will ensure that players ease through most of these encounters with little to no issues.

2 Long-Distance Weapons Are A Great Way To Pick Off Enemies While Avoiding Damage

Sniper Rifle in GTA San Andreas

Getting a long-range weapon like a sniper rifle in a gang war is a great way to absolutely destroy enemies without even getting so much as a scratch. After all, enemies need to be at a certain distance from CJ before they start unleashing a hailstorm of bullets.

However, if players maintain a healthy distance and pick off enemies from afar, then they don't even need to worry about incurring any damage at all. It might not be the most exciting strategy on this list, but it's pretty effective regardless.

1 Starting A Gang War With A Wanted Level Removes Any Police Attention

grand theft auto san andreas tenpenny

This might not be a tip per se, but it's more of a reason to get into gang fights if the police are driving you crazy. Simply triggering a gang fight will get rid of the wanted level and prevent it from increasing during the battle.

Most people also tend to avoid gang fights while being chased by the police since they don't want to deal with both groups at the same time. However, with this knowledge, players don't really need to avoid gang fights for such a trivial reason anymore.

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition is available for PC, Playstation 5, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch.

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