
  • GTA 6's first trailer focuses heavily on Lucia, a mysterious character with a criminal past, set to play a major role alongside the enigmatic Jason.
  • Though Jason's role in the first trailer is small, fans can expect a Bonnie and Clyde dynamic between Jason and Lucia, with equal focus on both characters in the game's narrative.
  • Rockstar may draw on lessons from Red Dead Redemption 2 to elevate the relationship between Jason and Lucia to a new level of complexity.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that hype for Grand Theft Auto 6 is through the roof following its reveal trailer, which announced that the game will be arriving sometime next year. Expectations are fairly high for GTA 6 to take the franchise to the next level, as the trailer highlights a number of promising factors, including the game's industry-leading visuals and intriguing, contemporary story.

GTA 6 will star Lucia, a woman who, by the looks of it, is released from prison near the start of the game. Virtually nothing is known about Lucia's backstory or even what landed her behind bars in the first place, but it's safe to assume that her rugged, criminal ways weren't assuaged by the correctional center. What exactly is motivating Lucia to continue her criminal career post-lockup is anyone's guess, but it might have something to do with another character who is conspicuously underplayed in the reveal trailer.

GTA 6 Shouldn't Jump the Shark on an Interesting Perspective

GTA 6's two protagonists seem unique from past entries, and Rockstar could offer an engaging story by sticking to their distinct approach to crime.

GTA 6's Jason Will Surely Be Just As Important As Lucia

Jason and Lucia Will Be GTA's Version of Bonnie and Clyde

Almost nothing about Jason has been revealed, with GTA fans not even sure what actor will be portraying him, but it's pretty clear that he will be just as important to the game's story as Lucia is. GTA 6 has been described as inspired by Bonnie and Clyde, a 1967 film about two lovers entrenched in a life of crime. The original Bonnie and Clyde focuses on the rabid, almost manic passion of the unstable couple, and while Grand Theft Auto 6 will almost certainly be more of an homage than a copy, it's fair to assume that it will take a similar, dual-protagonist approach; Jason will most likely not be just a supporting character.

Supplemental promotional materials and the infamous GTA 6 leaks also support the idea of Jason being on equal footing with Lucia, as far as screentime, gameplay, and narrative focus are concerned.

What GTA 6 Hopefuls Can Expect From Jason

As is often the case when there's little to no solid evidence to draw from, speculation around Jason's role in the story can run rampant; with nothing to go on, fans can form all sorts of theories, like that he will be killed off early in the game, or that he will betray Lucia in some dramatic fashion ala Infernal Affairs. Certainly, these theories aren't too outlandish, but fans should probably keep their expectations tempered until more is revealed about how his and Lucia's relationship will play out in GTA 6—there were certainly more than a few wild Red Dead Redemption 2 theories emerging back in the day that look silly in the wake of that game's launch.

On that note, it's possible that Rockstar will apply some of the lessons it learned when penning Red Dead Redemption 2 with GTA 6. The developer arguably achieved its greatest character dynamics with RDR2, able to encapsulate the subtleties of love, loyalty, friendship, and betrayal with the gravity that such lofty concepts demand. The Grand Theft Auto series has tackled similar themes in the past, but GTA 6 can stand apart by elevating them to the level of something like RDR2, injecting the central relationship with complexity, drama, and nuance.

It's true that the GTA 6 reveal trailer is extremely focused on Lucia, to the point where Jason only gets a single word in right at the end. It's possible, and perhaps even advisable, for Rockstar to release a 'Lucia trailer' and then a separate 'Jason trailer,' echoing the marketing strategy the company employed with GTA 5, where each playable character got their own individual promotional video, emphasizing the egalitarian nature of the game's three-hero story. Either way, fans can be sure that Jason's relative absence in the Grand Theft Auto 6 reveal probably isn't representative of his importance to the game's narrative.