The recent PlayStation Showcase event featured the upcoming next-gen version of Grand Theft Auto 5, with the trailer confirming that the new version looks very similar to the old version and it won't even be out until March 2022 at the earliest. This led to widespread backlash from the community, with the GTA 5 PS5 trailer hit with over 100,000 "dislikes" and counting, as many fans are growing impatient for Grand Theft Auto 6 news.

With no official Grand Theft Auto 6 news to go on, some fans have started picking apart the Grand Theft Auto 5 PS5 trailer in search of clues for the next game in Rockstar's long-running open world franchise. Fans have honed in on a license plate that's spotted in the new trailer, with some interpreting the license plate as a possible clue about the time period in which Grand Theft Auto 6 will be set when it does eventually come out.

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The license plate in question reads 61SAL890, with fans thinking this could translate to "6 is a late 90s," meaning that Grand Theft Auto 6 could be set in the late 1990s. This seems like it could be a big reach, but Rockstar Games has been known to hide clues about its future projects, so who knows if there's any substance to it. Fans likely won't find out for themselves anytime in the near future, unfortunately.

The latest reports suggest that the Grand Theft Auto 6 release date is still years away, and so an official reveal for the game is likely years away as well. Considering this, details about Grand Theft Auto 6's setting and what time period it could be set in are likely a long ways off. Fans should treat any information or theories on Grand Theft Auto 6 with a massive grain of salt until the game gets its proper unveiling, whenever that may be.

There have been many rumors and supposed leaks about Grand Theft Auto 6, though some of these have come from legitimate sources. The easier to believe leaks suggest that Grand Theft Auto 6 is set in Vice City, and that it will feature both a male and female protagonist. The game will reportedly include a new version of Grand Theft Auto Online, one with an evolving map not unlike what's seen in the Fortnite battle royale.

Even those Grand Theft Auto 6 leaks should be treated with skepticism though. GTA 6 likely has years left in its development and a lot can change between now and when the project is finally unveiled to the public.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is rumored to be in development.

MORE: Grand Theft Auto 6's Map isn't The Game's Biggest Mystery