
  • Grand Theft Auto 6's side content promises to be wild, expanding on the series' tradition of diverse missions and activities.
  • Side missions in GTA games are crucial for gameplay depth and entertainment, offering unique characters, interactions, and set pieces.
  • GTA 6's trailer hints at potential new activities like alligator missions and car challenges, promising exciting and satirical side quests.

If the trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 is any indication, the game will have a truly memorable selection of side content. One big advantage of open-world games like the Grand Theft Auto series is the chance to include all kinds of extra missions and activities throughout the world. Grand Theft Auto 6 is almost certain to at least reach the same amount of content that Grand Theft Auto 5 had, especially considering how long the game will have been in development. In fact, Grand Theft Auto 6's side activities could be the wildest yet in the series.

If it wasn't for Grand Theft Auto's side missions, the games would miss out on a lot of content, both in terms of gameplay and entertainment. While the main story is the primary draw of the games, it's the plethora of side characters and activities that really help to flesh out the game world. Side missions provide more opportunities for fun and exciting set pieces as well as more characters that can offer some funny or interesting interactions with the protagonists. Likewise, features such as bowling alleys and other diversions give the player some valuable downtime while occasionally giving the protagonist a little more personality.

Grand Theft Auto 6 Can Has a Golden Opportunity To Shake Up GTA Online’s Apartments

GTA Online's apartments have a few worthwhile functions, but it wouldn't take much for Grand Theft Auto 6 to elevate them to the next level.

Grand Theft Auto 6 Could Have Hinted At a Few Future Activities

Alligators are one detail seen in Grand Theft Auto 6's first trailer that could easily appear in the game. In the trailer, there are two clips where alligators are prominently shown, one where someone is dragging an alligator out of a pool, and another where one walks into a convenience store. With these two scenes combined with how often alligators are associated with Vice City's Florida inspiration, a side mission involving an alligator would be no surprise. Such a mission could go in many directions, but Grand Theft Auto 6 could find a way to make it fit.

Challenges involving cars are also a likely addition to the game. The Thrillbilly Mud Club in Grand Theft Auto 6 gets a short scene in the trailer, but it looks like something that could lead to some exciting off-road racing and stunt driving. There are also a few scenes in the trailer of characters riding on the outside of cars, either on the roof or standing outside the driver's seat. This could also point towards a side mission or game mechanic involving such stunts. A selection of car-themed side activities could certainly help Grand Theft Auto 6 live up to its name.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is Ripe for Satirical Side Quests

Several other unusual scenes could be seen as hints at the list of potential activities that Grand Theft Auto 6 can satirize. An airboat seen early in the trailer gives some hope for various activities in the swamp, similar to the aforementioned alligators. The hammer-wielding neighborhood watch lady also feels like something that could easily end up being a part of a side quest that Lucia could get mixed up in. These scenes combined with the general party vibe seen in much of the trailer points to a plethora of potential activities that could keep Grand Theft Auto 6 players busy.

There is an incredible amount of potential activities that could be featured in Grand Theft Auto 6 just from the trailer alone. Now that GTA 6's release window is confirmed, fans will have plenty more to speculate about, with side content being a particularly interesting topic. While the story is always important in Grand Theft Auto games, the activities on the side often play a big part in their respective games' legacies. Grand Theft Auto 6's trailer may have given fans a glimpse at what to expect from its diversions.