
  • A fan has proposed a relationship meter system for the potential protagonists in GTA 6, tracking their relationship status based on in-game actions and affecting dialogue during missions.
  • The concept received mixed reactions from the community, with some finding it interesting and potentially reflective of leaks suggesting relationship parameters in the game, while others thought it was too simplistic or turned the game into a relationship simulator.
  • Fans will have to wait for more information about GTA 6, including its release date and details about the protagonists, as rumors suggest it could arrive in 2024, but nothing has been officially confirmed yet.

A fan has shared a novel idea on social media: a relationship meter system for Jason and Lucia, the two probable protagonists of the upcoming Grand Theft Auto 6. Speculation about GTA 6 is rampant right now, as players try to come up with several systems and ideas that could appear in the final game while they wait for more official information.

Grand Theft Auto 5 was released a whole decade ago and, ever since its launch, fans have been eager to know more about how Rockstar will lead the franchise forward. Some time ago, GTA 6 leaks have given the community more insight about the upcoming game, including that it may feature a couple called Jason and Lucia. These Bonnie and Clyde-inspired characters would be partners in crime, and gamers would control both of them.

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Now, one gamer decided to speculate more about a possible relationship system that could be used in GTA 6, based on information gathered from the leaks and some of their own ideas of what would be cool. LIGHTSTRIKEZ099 on Reddit devised a relationship meter. This system would track Jason and Lucia’s relationship in GTA 6, taking it between statuses like Neutral, Healthy, and Unhealthy. For instance, honesty, compliments, good gifts, and going out for fun activities would lead to a Healthy relationship. On the other hand, never going out, eating expired food, cheating, or insulting each other would lower the meter towards Unhealthy. These changes would affect dialogue, making the couple look more affectionate or negative to each other during missions.

LIGHTSTRIKEZ099’s fan-made system received mixed reactions from the community. Some fans, such as Cookie_flash, thought this was a pretty interesting idea, and defended that something like this may even be featured in GTA 6, as some of the leaks show that it’s possible that relationship parameters will be tracked in-game. However, others criticized the system for either being too simplistic or trying to turn the game into a relationship simulator.

In any case, gamers will need to wait a while for more information about GTA 6 and to learn more about its possible protagonists. Recently, some rumors pointed out that GTA 6 could arrive in 2024, as Rockstar is expecting a big fiscal year in 2025 (which begins in April 2024 and ends in March 2025). However, this is still all speculation at this point, so fans still need to wait for the official announcement to know more about the release date and other details.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is currently in development.

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