
  • Rumors surrounding Grand Theft Auto 6 and the Nintendo Switch 2 have persisted for years due to leaks, fan excitement, and their popularity in mainstream circles.
  • The sustained momentum of these rumors suggests that they may eventually come true, as seen in the recent leak of Grand Theft Auto 6's logo and potential reveal date.
  • The presence of rumors in the gaming industry demonstrates the special place they hold in video game discourse, even for highly anticipated and practically guaranteed projects like GTA 6 and the Switch 2.

Even in the midst of a packed year for video games, many gamers are still speculating on the future. From the release dates of anticipated projects like Metroid Prime 4 to potential games like a Bloodborne remaster, there’s always rumors floating around. Standing out as two of the longest lasting and most impactful are the existence of a Grand Theft Auto 6 and some form of Nintendo Switch 2. Both Grand Theft Auto 6 and an upgraded Nintendo Switch have been in the public consciousness for years, and even among other topics, they have a special kind of staying power.

Grand Theft Auto remains one of the most popular video game franchises, with developer Rockstar Games still supporting Grand Theft Auto 5 with content updates over a decade after its launch. Fans suspected that Rockstar had another entry in its star franchise cooking before Red Dead Redemption 2 even released, prompting rumors of GTA 6 long before proof started to leak. Similarly, Nintendo fans know that the Switch has lived out a full console generation, and unofficial sources have been describing a major Switch revision for years. Comparing these two topics might seem like apples and oranges, but together they perfectly demonstrate a common trend in the video game industry.

RELATED: The Grand Theft Auto 6 Reveal Date Predictions Are Getting Out of Hand

Grand Theft Auto and Nintendo Are Surrounded By Rumors

nintendo switch oled model

Video game communities love discussing rumors, especially if they concern currently popular franchises or brands. This can be prompted by leaks or reasonable speculation, but can also manifest through sheer hope. Nintendo's fans are known for this, as Nintendo's strong library of intellectual property combined with its regular Nintendo Direct showcases prompt frequent speculation as to which franchises could appear next. Rumors can start in any community that's large and active enough, like Rockstar Games’ regular GTA and Red Dead player bases, and franchises that are themselves actively releasing content like GTA practically invite rumors to stay relevant in fan discussions.

Grand Theft Auto 6 and the Nintendo Switch 2 rumors draw fuel from just about every source. Leaks are a common one, and even though neither product has been officially announced, industry insiders and even the business news site Bloomberg News openly post information for both. They can be faked, but real and fake leaks have to be taken together until official information surfaces, keeping the rumor mill churning even when nothing has actually happened. Fan excitement is also key, and with GTA 5 being one of the best-selling modern video games and the Nintendo Switch currently sitting as the third best-selling gaming system, both topics have more than enough momentum in mainstream circles.

Lasting Video Game Rumors Tend To Come True Eventually


The typical result of such momentum being sustained over long enough time is that it eventually pays off. For various reasons, the biggest rumors and discussion points in the gaming industry usually have some sort of corresponding result. Even as plans shift behind the scenes, which likely happened with GTA 6 and the Switch 2 thanks to the pandemic, rumors can stay very consistent and often seem on the verge of bearing fruit.

As a recent leak involved Grand Theft Auto 6’s logo and a potential date for its reveal, its rumors may finally be about to pay off. With so much discussion surrounding it and an early gameplay leak, there's no downside to confirming GTA 6’s existence at this point. Nintendo has also filled its release schedule with remakes and spin-offs, suggesting a generational leap is soon. Pointing to GTA 6 and Nintendo Switch 2 discussion as evidence for gaming’s rumor obsession may seem redundant when both were practically guaranteed, but through sheer persistence they still prove that rumors hold a special place in video game discourse.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is currently in development.

MORE: The Switch 2 is Practically Nintendo's Worst-Kept Secret