
  • Fans have been waiting for a new update since Rockstar released the first Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer last year.
  • Rockstar's website updates fuel speculation of an imminent GTA 6 announcement.
  • The rumored PlayStation Showcase could feature GTA 6 news, but that's just speculation at this time.

Rockstar Games seems to have recently updated its website, fueling speculation that Grand Theft Auto 6 news could be coming soon. GTA fans have been waiting over a decade for Grand Theft Auto 6, which is why it really came as no surprise that the game's reveal trailer demolished records.

Rockstar finally released the first Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer late last year, confirming the game's Vice City setting, the long-rumored female protagonist, and more. The trailer set the Internet on fire and has left fans hungry for more information on the upcoming open world game. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much in the way of major updates for Grand Theft Auto 6 since the initial trailer dropped, but it seems that more information could be coming sooner rather than later.

It's Time For Grand Theft Auto 6 To Move Away From a Rockstar Staple

Rockstar has built a history of traditions that are to be expected in its games, but a specific combat mechanic needs to retire.

While it seems as though the changes have since been reverted, Grand Theft Auto fans noticed Rockstar making some changes to its website to add placeholders for potential GTA 6 screenshots and release date information. This seems to suggest that Rockstar could be gearing up for a Grand Theft Auto 6-related announcement at some point in the near future, though it could also just be a coincidence. Whatever the case may be, fans on Twitter are buzzing about what this could mean for Grand Theft Auto 6 and are hoping that some kind of substantial update happens soon.

PlayStation Showcase is Rumored for May

If Grand Theft Auto 6 news does come soon, it's possible that it could be paired with the rumored PlayStation Showcase that some have claimed is taking place this month. According to various leakers and insiders, a PlayStation Showcase could happen as early as next week. Rockstar tends to do its own thing instead of featuring its games as part of other companies' showcases, but there is precedent for PlayStation Showcases to feature Grand Theft Auto series announcements.

As fans may recall, Grand Theft Auto 5's next-gen port was announced during a PlayStation Showcase. Beyond that, Rockstar and PlayStation clearly have a very strong relationship dating back to the days of the original PS1, so it wouldn't be surprising to see the two team up yet again for a fresh GTA 6 reveal. Of course, the PlayStation Showcase and potential Grand Theft Auto 6 news update could happen completely independent of one another as well, so fans should keep that in mind.