The more anticipated a game is, the more leakers make it a priority to stir up conversation around it. It's pretty easy to get a community excited or up in arms by claiming to have some insider knowledge, no matter how reliable or unreliable that knowledge seems. Right now, the Grand Theft Auto community is being plagued by leaks around Grand Theft Auto 6. It's been a long time since Rockstar made a new game in the franchise, so fans are hotly anticipating another entry, especially with the advent of next-gen consoles. The more fans talk about how they want Grand Theft Auto 6 to come out, the more leakers seem to have to say about it.

It's a vicious cycle. The latest big leak about GTA 6 suggests that the game is getting an official announcement soon, alongside details about a sprawling overworld. Most people have already agreed that this GTA 6 was just an early April Fools prank, though. There's no evidence that anything in the leak should be believed; in fact, it builds off of a major GTA 6 'leak' from 2019 that's been largely debunked. This new leak is just the latest in an unfortunate pattern that Grand Theft Auto fans should learn from. Leaks around Grand Theft Auto 6 are so consistently unreliable that it seems like Rockstar has information on the game on lockdown, which means it's a long way away.

RELATED: Every Grand Theft Auto 6 'Rumor' and 'Leak' in 2021 So Far

GTA 6 Rumors and Leaks

Grand Theft Auto 6 RP Servers

The latest Grand Theft Auto 6 leaker claims to be an insider from Rockstar. They say that GTA 6 will feature a huge map with six distinct cities from previous games, and perhaps more importantly, that Rockstar is ready to announce the game. The problem with these leaks is that there's really no reason to believe the leaker. They insist on remaining anonymous and refuse to answer any questions about their claims, and speak in pretty vague terms about their knowledge of Grand Theft Auto 6. There's no concrete evidence that this person actually works for Rockstar, nor do they provide anything to prove their claims.

The leak leans heavily on the 'Project America' concept for Grand Theft Auto 6 that has been making the rounds. The problem is that a much more reliable leaker than this anonymous 4Chan user has already assured Grand Theft Auto fans that most of the talk about 'Project America' is false. That makes it looks like the new leak is just as improbable as the many debunked leaks before it. There's just no reason to believe any claims that this person has made, which means that Grand Theft Auto 6's reveal remains far off in the future. It's just part of an unfortunate pattern of mysterious claims that leave the community in doubt.

RELATED: Why Rockstar Doesn't Have Much Incentive to Finish Grand Theft Auto 6 Yet

GTA 5's Second Wind

How to give money to other players GTA: Online

The claims of an upcoming GTA 6 reveal stand in stark opposition to the state of Grand Theft Auto. Fans may want to see a new game, but the truth is that Rockstar really doesn't need to release another entry in the franchise yet. Grand Theft Auto 5, particularly Grand Theft Auto Onlineis still very popular, even after many years of its life. Rockstar is actually playing its cards intelligently if it's intentionally stretching out GTA Online's lifespan as much as possible so that it has more time to get GTA 6 right and live up to fan expectations. Even if that's not its plan, it'd seem strange to suddenly announce Grand Theft Auto 6 when GTA 5 is still waiting for its next-gen port. That seems like something Rockstar wants to get out of the way first.

A pattern makes itself clear when the newest GTA 6 'leak' is laid against all the others that came before it. Nothing seems to be sticking, no matter what leakers throw against the wall. Claims of upcoming announcements are both unverifiable and fly in the face of what Rockstar is actually up to and how GTA is doing, even without GTA 6. Rockstar has enough on its plate that making GTA 6 public knowledge doesn't seem like it would be a high priority right now. In fact, it could actively get in the way of Rockstar's other work. Fans have been waiting many years to see Grand Theft Auto 6, but it sounds like they'll have to keep waiting for now. Fans will be wise to watch Rockstar for now and wait for more credible leakers to come forward.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is rumored to be in development.

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