
  • Speculation around GTA 6's story focuses on Jason possibly being an undercover cop, adding potential for betrayal and conflict.
  • The game's emphasis on trust could lead to a dramatic climax where Jason and Lucia are forced to confront their true loyalties.
  • Jason's identity as a cop could result in a dangerous situation where he battles enemies from both law enforcement and the criminal world, making it unlikely that he makes it out of the game alive.

As expected, rumors and speculation have run rampant around Grand Theft Auto 6 since its reveal trailer late last year. One of the most popular story theories centers on one of GTA 6's main characters, and how he may play a conniving, misleading role in the game.

Fans have guessed that Lucia's boyfriend, presumed to be named Jason, will fill the role of an undercover cop. There's not much in the way of concrete information supporting this notion, with the strongest piece of evidence being a short clip from the GTA 6 trailer. The clip shows a police raid from the perspective of one of the officer's body cameras, and since Jason and Lucia are expected to provide the only perspectives in the game, some have speculated that this footage is coming from Jason's body camera. There's also the game's ostensible emphasis on trust: if trust is a prominent theme, it's safe to assume it will be tested in some way. It's also worth noting that Rockstar seems to have a tradition of including traitors, turncoats, and liars in its stories, with notable examples being:

  • Michael in GTA 5
  • Michelle/Karen in GTA 4
  • Micah in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • John in Red Dead Redemption
  • Big Smoke and Ryder in GTA San Andreas
  • Lance in GTA Vice City
Grand Theft Auto 6 Can Shoot for the Moon in One Regard

Grand Theft Auto 6's much-lauded Vice City setting could open the door to an outlandish and unforgettable open-world mechanic.

GTA 6 Probably Won't End Well for Jason, If He Really Is a Cop

Jason Could Have Opponents On All Sides

Assuming Jason truly is a clandestine cop, then his relationship with Lucia will undoubtedly suffer by the end of GTA 6. Lucia's exact role within Vice City's sphere of criminality is a bit unclear, but it's obvious that her jail time has done little to reform her, instead slingshotting her back into a life of crime. Lucia is still deeply entrenched in illegal activity, not likely to be swayed by Jason's potential influence, be it direct or subtle.

Players are sure to come across a number of criminal compatriots throughout GTA 6's story, who are likely to take umbridge with Jason's theorized secret identity as well. Even if Lucia manages to forgive him, there's no guarantee that these third parties will. Jason could very well wind up fighting a battle on multiple fronts, and a change of heart or switch in allegiance probably wouldn't help him much—the trust would have already been broken. On top of this, if Jason goes the rogue cop route, then he will be wanted by the police, potentially leaving him without many allies on either side of the fence.

Jason's Cop Identity Could Spell an Explosive Ending for GTA 6

If GTA 6 continues the series' narrative tradition of betrayal and police sympathizers/informants, the conflict of Jason's true allegiance will likely play a major role in the climax. Like with GTA 5's "Death Wish" ending, players could see Jason and Lucia facing off against the world in GTA 6's final act, choosing to stick together against a horde of enemies from both law enforcement and the criminal world of Vice City. This sort of ending would be in line with GTA 6's apparent theme of trust, as the couple would have to put the ultimate trust in one another, setting aside previous dishonesty and deceit.

Of course, this is all speculation based on a fairly tenuous theory. But it is interesting to think about how Rockstar will handle this specific dual-protagonist structure as, while GTA 5 features multiple protagonists, none of them are as emotionally connected as a romantic couple would be. Given GTA 6's unique narrative premise, things between Jason and Lucia are bound to get messy, and a classic undercover cop plot wouldn't be the worst way to crank up conflict between the two. But ultimately, fans will have to wait for more information about GTA 6 before assuming that the story will go in any particular direction.