There are very few franchises that have made as much of an impact in gaming as Grand Theft Auto, and plenty of factors explain this. Each GTA title has offered gamers unparalleled freedom to live out their power fantasies, allowing players to choose to be cautiously driving, law-abiding citizens, or psychopathic criminals. The games have also featured compelling crime dramas, whether it is GTA 3's gritty revenge story or GTA: San Andreas' tale of gangster wars and corrupt cops. Perhaps most notably, the series has continually made itself stand out from the plethora of open-world games available through the crass and irreverent humor that has turned it into one of the most controversial franchises of all time.

According to recent reports, things may be taking a turn with Grand Theft Auto 6 which could feature more politically correct humor. While this is sure to mark GTA 6 as a new era for the franchise, this does not mean that the series is about to lose its loyal fan base. Rather, the shake-up may be just what the series needs to ensure it remains relevant.

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Rockstar Games - The Rebels of Gaming


From its early days, Rockstar Games has always courted controversy, and it has become part of the company's image. The release of GTA 3 was marred with controversies surrounding the way it allowed players wantonly kill civilians, pick up prostitutes, and degrade women. Later GTA titles have also been plagued with controversies, including GTA: Vice City, which was accused of racism against Haitians, GTA: San Andreas, which was found to have a hidden sex mini-game, and GTA 5, which had players take part in torture.

These issues ensured that Rockstar Games always had to deal with lawsuits and an angry (usually non-gaming) public, but it also meant that the media was constantly talking about GTA, which equated to tons of free publicity. Rockstar's controversial style has never been limited to GTA, however. One of the most controversial games to come from the company is Manhunt, released in 2003. The game gained widespread attention for its gratuitous violence and depictions of brutal killings. It was so graphic that during development, it nearly caused a mutiny within Rockstar from developers who thought the game crossed the line.

In recent years, it appears that Rockstar has been undergoing a change and becoming more socially conscious. Hints of this are seen in 2018's Red Dead Redemption 2. Although it has gamers playing as violent outlaws, the existence of an honor system encourages players to think about the consequences of their actions, while the game actively criticizes the ills of the era it is depicting, including slavery, eugenics, and racism. It is worth noting that the game does not leave all controversy behind, and though Arthur helps women with their suffrage movement, he is generally dismissive of their cause.

Grand Theft Auto 6 - A New Era For Rockstar Games

Image from a Grand Theft Auto city skyline showing a woman holding a gun.

The Grand Theft Auto of contemporary times is a much different company, in part because one of the key players, founder Dan Houser, left in 2020. Consequently, according to a recent Bloomberg report, the next GTA game may feel much different from the games that came prior. Most notably, it will, for the first time in the franchise's history, feature a female protagonist. She will be a Latina serving as one half of a Bonnie and Clyde-esque couple. Interestingly, the report also notes that developers are taking care to not "punch down" and make jokes at the expense of marginalized groups.

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The report also gives some details about the setting, claiming that the original plans were to depict both South America and North America. However, things had to be toned down, and the game will now be centered on a fictionalized version of Miami. This lends credence to long-running rumors that the next Grand Theft Auto game will be set in Vice City. Despite the rescaling, the game is still reportedly large, and it will feature more interiors than ever. Additionally, Rockstar plans to continually update the game, adding new missions and cities regularly.

The Benefits of GTA 6's Change in Humor


Some loyal GTA fans may see the report as a sign of bad things to come, and an indication that the series is losing the edge that has characterized it for decades. However, for a game that is as widely consumed as GTA, it may be necessary for it to develop a sense of humor that is more aware of the various people it impacts. GTA 6 could be Rockstar's opportunity to prove that GTA is inclusive and that everyone can join in the fun without feeling like they are the butt of every joke.

With a female protagonist, GTA 6 can do a lot to mend Grand Theft Auto's track record with female characters. For most of the franchise's history, female characters are treated as sexual objects, or are depicted as materialistic, unintelligent, and generally annoying. While male characters can aspire toward power, female characters who seek control are depicted as insane, as is the case with Catalina.

Having gamers play as a woman will help to ensure that the series has female characters with as much depth and complexity as the many memorable male characters. Of course, the commitment to not punching down does not mean that GTA 6 has to abandon the biting satire and shocking humor that the franchise is known for. However, it may mean that the next entry will ruffle fewer feathers.

In what may be good news for many, GTA 6 is expected to release in 2024, though some developers are skeptical that the game, which has reportedly been in development since 2014, will be ready by then. With the studio veering away from the typical GTA formula, it is understandable that things may take a little longer. Whichever direction the game goes it is likely that, in typical Rockstar fashion, it will raise the bar for open-world gaming.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is in development.

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