
  • A new rumor suggests that the female protagonist in Grand Theft Auto 6 will have a child, but fans should take this information with a grain of salt.
  • The leaked footage from last year hinted at the possibility of a female protagonist named Lucia, making her the first in GTA history.
  • The accuracy of these "leaks" may soon be revealed with the release of the GTA 6 trailer in December.

A new Grand Theft Auto 6 rumor claims that the game's female protagonist will have a child that figures into the story. Rumors have persisted for years that Grand Theft Auto 6 will feature a female protagonist, and these rumors were backed up by last year's massive leak.

A ton of Grand Theft Auto 6 information leaked online last year, revealing early development footage of the new open world game in action. The footage suggested that Grand Theft Auto 6 will have two protagonists: one named Jason and another named Lucia. Lucia will be the first female protagonist in Grand Theft Auto history, and so it will definitely be interesting to see how Rockstar Games handles her character - assuming the leaked videos accurately represented Rockstar's plans for the final product, that is.

Grand Theft Auto 6 Rumor Addresses Current GTA Online Characters

GTA Online players may need to start preparing for the launch of GTA 6, with a rumor surrounding the status of the multiplayer title.

The jury is still out on if those GTA 6 leaks are accurate or not, but in the meantime, a new leak claims that Lucia will actually have a child that factors into the game's storyline. This leak comes from Rockstar Universe, but fans should take the information with a grain of salt. An additional supposed leak, which was posted on Reddit, may reveal more details about Lucia's child, so anyone that doesn't want potential Grand Theft Auto 6 spoilers should proceed with caution.

If the "leaks" are to be believed, Lucia will apparently abandon her child at a deli, go rob a bank, and get arrested. This will apparently happen in the past, so it's possible that Lucia's child will be aged-up in the present-day GTA 6 story, but that's just speculation at this time. While Rockstar has featured children characters in its games before, they have only shown up very rarely, and almost never in Grand Theft Auto. This makes the leak somewhat more difficult to believe, but fans may find out if there's any truth to these rumors sooner rather than later.

Rockstar Games has confirmed that the first GTA 6 trailer will drop at some point in December. Rockstar stopped short of providing a specific date, but regardless, one has to imagine that the trailer will give fans their first glimpse at the gameplay and also help establish the story, if previous Rockstar Games announcement trailers are any indication. If Lucia does have a child as rumored, it's entirely possible that could be confirmed or denied by the Grand Theft Auto 6 announcement trailer, but fans will have to stay tuned to find out for sure.