Rockstar Games makes some of the most successful games of the present age, and there's little doubt that the forthcoming Grand Theft Auto 6 will follow in those games' footsteps. While Rockstar usually delivers high-quality content, the current landscape of videogame development has many worried about what the game may look like once it's finally in player's hands. A recent leak of pre-alpha Grand Theft Auto 6 footage took the internet by storm, and fans are debating the game's status. GTA 6 isn't around the corner, but many still recall the disastrous release of CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077.

After years of delays, hype, and enticing footage that promised an experience like no other, Cyberpunk 2077 launched in a disastrous state that threatened to torpedo the highly regarded developers. Players of all stripes were disappointed that a game they had waited years for was in no condition to be sold. Textures wouldn't load, glitches would break the game, and it was poorly optimized for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. The game only ran marginally better on PC and was delisted from Sony's digital Playstation Store for several months following its dismal release. To ensure a solid launch for Grand Theft Auto 6, Rockstar Games needs to study CD Projekt Red's shortcomings thoroughly.

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What Grand Theft Auto Can Learn from Cyberpunk 2077

Grand Theft Auto Trilogy Disaster Cyberpunk 2077

Grand Theft Auto 6 has no confirmed release date, and before the unauthorized leak, information about it had been limited to only a confirmation that it was indeed in development and various rumors, some more accurate than others. This set of circumstances allows Rockstar Games to learn from past mistakes and lead by example by doing a masterful launch of the hotly anticipated Grand Theft Auto title.

In the gaming business, secrecy prevents disappointment. No studio wants a repeat of the fan-made montages that befell Cyberpunk 2077 and its missing features at launch. If Rockstar chooses to be more selective about when it reveals gameplay trailers, this circumstance can be easily avoided. For now, confirming that it will include some of the features teased in the pre-alpha leak of Grand Theft Auto 6 would be a step in the right direction, as long as Rockstar knows its limits.

In the leaked footage of Grand Theft Auto 6, players got a taste of many features they hope will make the final cut. Advanced AI appeared during a restaurant robbery scene, with incredibly detailed car customization and interior designs and dynamic enemy AI that takes cover, flanks, and actively tries to hunt players down by the getaway car's license plate. Now that these features have appeared, Rockstar may have no choice but to include them. Some ideas are more challenging to pull off than others, and studios often leave certain features on the cutting room floor to ensure a smoother development cycle. Overall, though, to ensure that Rockstar Games doesn't overestimate its capacity, promising less and delivering more is advised.

RELATED: Cyberpunk 2077 Leak Shows Internal Bug Montage, Pre-Alpha Gameplay

How Leaks Damaged Cyberpunk 2077, and Grand Theft Auto

grand theft auto 6 logo with city

Neither Rockstar Games nor CD Projekt Red is a stranger to leaks. Rockstar has a though history of games leaking, and one of the best ways to ensure Grand Theft Auto 6's success is to lock it up tight. The less people know about Grand Theft Auto 6, the better. When information about a project gets released by the creator's prerogative instead of a leak, it allows the project to put its best foot forward. If Rockstar controls the narrative of Grand Theft Auto 6, anticipation can be built organically. In contrast, leaked narrative details can damage sales and the fanbase's perception of the game.

CD Projekt Red has also felt the wrath of unauthorized leaks. The leaked Cyberpunk 2077 melee combat footage debacle of 2020 still haunts the company to this day. The footage leak was an infamous moment leading up to Cyberpunk 2077's release that many felt was a bad omen for the game's release. Until that point, most of what CD Projekt Red had shown audiences was revealed to be pre-rendered or highly scripted footage, and gamers felt misled. Unfortunately, this more or less turned out to be accurate, and it's taken CD Projekt Red about two years to repair its reputation and Cyberpunk 2077's standing.

How Rockstar and CD Projekt Red Can Move Forward

rockstar gta 6 end of 5 and rdr2 online

For what it's worth, Rockstar has been going on the offense in the wake of the Grand Theft Auto 6 leak. Authorities have arrested the suspected GTA 6 leaker but many wonder if this is merely putting a bandage on a wound as opposed to stopping the problem at the source. Only time will tell, but in the short term, it is a productive turn of events that can help gamers rebuild their confidence in the upcoming project.

CD Projekt Red was the subject of many theories regarding Cyberpunk 2077's rough launch. While the launch debacle proved to be an effective segue into a conversation about crunch culture and the pitfalls of game development, it didn't change the past or then current circumstances of the game. Fortunately, CD Projekt Red has remained committed to the game releasing large patches that have added in new content, missing features, and improved the performance of the game across all platforms.

Game development is a tricky business. Each generation results in higher budgets, more staff, and even more hype as video games evolve. Too often in the past, previously heralded studios had hard-earned reputations torn asunder by releasing unoptimized or unfinished games. If Rockstar wants to buck this unfortunate trend, it would be wise to look at the industry's history and the misfortunes that have befallen other studios such as CD Projekt Red. After all, those that don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. For now, the leaked footage of Grand Theft Auto 6 has been delisted and the ball is back in Rockstar's court where it belongs.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is currently in development.

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