
  • Grand Theft Auto 6 is highly anticipated, with fans hoping it will take some unique approaches to surpass GTA 5's success.
  • One such approach could see GTA 6 featuring separate achievement lists for single-player and online modes to cater to completionists who only enjoy one of the two modes of play.
  • The scale of GTA 6 and its online component may require two distinct achievement lists to reflect their size and ambition, as both modes could likely support their own list.

It is clear that Grand Theft Auto 6 is already one of the most anticipated releases in the history of the gaming industry, with millions of potential players already keeping an eye out for any and all information relating to the project. Given the longevity and success of GTA 5, it is widely assumed that the upcoming game will employ a lot of unique approaches to build on this formula and exceed the heights of its predecessor.

While a lot of discussion is already being had around the single-player of Grand Theft Auto 6, the online mode of the title will be just as anticipated and will have just as much to live up to. Although it might not seem massively important, Grand Theft Auto 6 could take a unique approach to its achievement/trophy list with special attention to its online and single-player achievements, rectifying a frustrating aspect of GTA 5 and the completion grinds of many other games.

GTA 6's PS5 Pro and 60 FPS Debacle Explained

The PS5 Pro could come with significant improvements to the base model, but these may not be enough to run GTA 6 at 60 FPS, experts say.

Separating Online and Single-player Achievements Could Be Perfect For Grand Theft Auto 6

The achievement/trophy list for any title is one of the most alluring elements of a game for avid completionists, with these lists usually covering all the bases of what a title offers. Many players believe that tackling a game's achievement list is the best way to ensure that no content slips through the cracks, and sprawling open world titles like Grand Theft Auto have a lot of experiences that might be missed during more casual playthroughs.

With that being said, getting every single achievement for a title is also a huge deal for a lot of players, especially with PlayStation rewarding this feat with platinum trophies that act as badges of honor for avid trophy hunters. This challenge can be seriously impacted when a title features a range of single-player and multiplayer achievements in a single list, alienating players who engage with one mode of play a lot more than the other.

It is quite common for games to share online and single-player achievements in a single list, and GTA 6 could be the pioneering title to finally bring an end to this. Grand Theft Auto 5's achievement list suffered from its shared achievements with GTA Online, making the prospect of perfecting the title a much more lengthy and unrealistic task. When considering how massive GTA Online has become in its own right, GTA 6 could easily feature two separate achievement/trophy lists to make its single-player and multiplayer modes much more distinct.

The Size of Grand Theft Auto 6 May Make Separate Achievement Lists a Necessity

Some fans are already assuming that GTA 6's online mode will exceed the scale of GTA 5's, with things like multiple locations and official support for RP servers being just some of the rumors that are circulating around the project. It seems that the scale of the next iteration of GTA Online may be just as large as Grand Theft Auto 6's story, meaning it would be difficult for the title to share a single achievement list for these two experiences to begin with.

Having separate achievement lists for GTA 6 and its online component would be the perfect way to convey the size and ambition of the title, while bringing an end to a longstanding practise that divides completionists who prefer either single-player or online gameplay. As the multiplayer experiences of AAA titles grow to become sizable in their own right, Grand Theft Auto 6 could take an ambitious approach that might set the standard for the industry moving forward.