One nostalgic fan of Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas remakes the 2004 title's trailer in the action-adventure franchise's most recent entry of GTA 5.

As many Grand Theft Auto fans are probably aware, although they are both separated by almost 12 years, San Andreas and GTA 5 are connected in several different ways. For instance, not only are the Rockstar Games releases essentially tied together by the city of Los Santos' existence in both, but also Grand Theft Auto fans are even able to visit San Andreas protagonist Carl "CJ" Johnson's neighborhood during a mission in the series' fifth installment.

With these connections in place, the YouTuber known as Swake recently decided to merge the worlds of San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto 5 in an even more direct way, by using the latter's Rockstar Editor—that is, a video editing and movie making feature in the game—to recreate the former's original trailer. Of course, with the latest GTA being available on current generation platforms, and with San Andreas having been initially developed for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, CJ and his crew receive a considerable upgrade in the graphics department.

As seen in the video below, Swake has edited and paced the recreated version of San Andreas' trailer almost identically to the television advertisement for the game released in the early 2000's. Of course, some compromises had to be made, such as the tuning alteration of certain sounds and the speeding up of the beats per minute for Guns N' Roses' song "Welcome to the Jungle" in order to avoid having the clip pulled due to YouTube's copyright codes. Nevertheless, the final product is nothing short of a wonderful rush of nostalgia.


Interestingly enough, this isn't the first time that a fan has revisited Grand Theft Auto's past and ported it into the most recent entry in the series. As a matter of fact, one fan brought Rockstar Games' grime-filled and neon-soaked take on the 1980's back to life by recreating Vice City with a mod in GTA 5, which had results similar to those of Swake's video above, as the environments became much more lush and fully realized using the most up-to-date hardware.

As most fans will probably agree, seeing such Grand Theft Auto recreations bring back a flood of fond memories from playing the originals, and ultimately cause the appetite for another solid story to make its way into the series. Thankfully, Rockstar is diligently working on GTA 6, but considering the fact that the developer has only announced that production has begun, little else is known about its actual contents.

With this being the case, we're only left to speculate at this point, so perhaps the studio will go on to use the sixth installment to fulfill its idea to connect all of the games' cities with one release. At this point, though, no one really knows what could occur with any forthcoming GTA title, and some fans might even suggest that the best move Rockstar could make would be to take the franchise abroad with the next sequel.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is available on PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox, and Xbox 360, while GTA 5 can be obtained for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Swake – YouTube (via VG 24/7)