With how many games got reveals, release date announcements, and new trailers it can be a little hard to keep track of everything from E3 this year. Microsoft and Nintendo revealed trailers for an array of titles, while other publishers and studios took the opportunity to focus on more specific games. WB made use of the latter tactic by consolidating its E3 efforts with Back 4 Blood, but this left its other titles like Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League unseen.

The focus on Back 4 Blood was fantastic, but it has left some fans wondering when they can expect news on WB’s DC-related titles. Last year during DC’s Fandome events gamers were given previews of both Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. There both games received stunning trailers, with Gotham Knights' gameplay front and center. Since then, news on both titles has felt scarce for many.

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Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad at DC Fandome 2021

dc fandome

Even while E3 might have felt like the perfect time to give more glimpses into what is going on with games on WB’s publishing plate, it makes a lot of sense that neither DC title was shown off. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and Gotham Knights are tied to DC, so giving Back 4 Blood the spotlight is something that a lot of people probably saw coming. This also means that the next most likely time for more news on either game will be the next DC Fandome in October.

The Fandome events have been a pretty big success so far. With everything shown off and the anticipation of fans, there did not seem to be a way that either of its events could flop. The adaptation to the hurdles posed by the Covid-19 pandemic created a safe virtual environment where fans could enjoy characters like Batman and Black Adam in a way that was more accessible than a physical event may have been.

That being said, because of this success, it makes sense that WB would wait to discuss more about the future of DC games until the company's personalized showcase. It would be great to see some sort of announcement or new gameplay footage soon, but E3 was likely the biggest opportunity between now and October’s Fandome to do so.

Warner Bros. Discovery


There are some perks to waiting before revealing more about either Gotham Knights or Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. A hiatus until October not only lets studios work with a little less pressure, but also allows for internal adjustments. 2020 was a tense year for everyone, and the recently announced WB and Discovery merger puts a spotlight on DC’s future. Games, comics, and movies may have been put into a state of flux as major companies draft their plans for the future.

It seems like the merger is meant to allow ATT’s media arm to compete with other titans of streaming like Disney+ and Netflix, but the added option of games may be a leg up. While game passes and video game streaming services have grown in popularity, WB’s ability to publish games related to franchises under its umbrella is worth noting. The only other platform with the ability to allow near instant access to games as well as shows and movies is Apple, with Apple Arcade's service and packages.

Continued silence on each game also allows for there to be adjustments without ruining any standing fan expectations. E3 may have been a wonderful opportunity to show off either game, but that does not mean that it was the best opportunity to do so. With Gotham Knights already delayed into 2022, waiting until the Fandome to deliver more news becomes one of the best options for WB.

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Summer Game Fest 2021

summer game fest logo blue background

While E3 may have not been the best time to deliver any Gotham Knights or Suicide Squad news, fans can still hold out a little hope that despite everything else, either game could make an appearance this summer. WB is a partner for the Summer Game Fest 2021, and has already given a lengthy look at what Back 4 Blood will bring this fall. This means that its plate could be a little empty when it comes to games it may want to show off for the rest of Summer Game Fest.

With Summer Game Fest being an ongoing event that runs until the end of July, there is still about a months’ worth of time. This leaves plenty of room for any exclusive looks or reveals to help build some hype until this October comes around. Given the extensive list of games releasing this October, it might not be a bad idea either.

Using the event as a middle ground between E3 and the DC Fandome may be just enough to keep the hype going without delivering too much expectation-wise. It would also be a somewhat similar tactic as what was used for Back 4 Blood. While Summer Game Fest could be the appetizer where cosmetics and maybe one or two unique features are shown off for either game the next Fandome could be the entrée. Such an approach could be the most balanced way to keep things interesting without spoiling everything before the Fandome event.

The Wait For Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League Gotham Knights

Despite two major events, it is still hard to say when exactly fans will get the news they are waiting for. Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League are likely in different stages of development at this point. Depending on how far or how long in development these titles are, WB's relative silence doesn't really indicate a reveal is coming any time soon.

Suicide Squad might not stay as quiet for long, but it may be a completely different game than fans expect. Killing the Justice League is a major feat and one that even when plotted by the most brilliant minds has failed. A twisted narrative and incredible risks are probably likely, but even more so is the wish to keep everything under wraps until things feel right for each game is arguably just as risky.

Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League are currently in development.

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