Gotham Knights is set to give fans a unique version of Gotham City where its greatest defender is assumed to be dead. As a result, the protection of Gotham City has fallen into the hands of Batman’s proteges, the Bat Family. Of the four available characters that players will be able to control in Gotham Knights, Robin is the one that relies on his intellect and gadgets the most, allowing him to teleport from rooftop to rooftop and fight off enemies with his technologically advanced staff.

Tim Drake’s Robin has always been the most intelligent and tech-savvy sidekick to the Dark Knight, often combining the detective techniques that Batman taught him with his understanding of technology. As a result, he has developed a lot of different gadgets that can help in battle, often allowing him to remain hidden from his opponents. In Gotham Knights, this side of Robin still pushes through as he steps out of the shadow of Batman in the hopes of defending Gotham City from the Court of Owls and all the villains that Batman kept in check.

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gotham knights unique endings nightwing robin batgirl red hood characters

Robin’s combat will revolve around using his staff to take down groups of enemies, however, by combining his melee with his use of gadgets, Robin is able to stun, or hide from his enemies to allow him to take them out from the shadows. His staff seems to be imbued with various tech which could see it deal different types of damage, which would prove effective when playing with other players in co-op. This makes Robin one of the best characters to select if playing with others, especially since his combat experience stems from training with Batman to work as a duo.

Since Robin heavily relies on stealth, his combat also seems to revolve around using his various gadgets to get back into the shadows rather than damaging multiple foes like Red Hood or Nightwing. Using the teleporter, which is his main traversal method, he can strategically position himself above the battlefield and take out an enemy from the air. Finally, his staff can be used to shield him from bullets, and this will prove to be especially useful when fans are playing through the game solo since Robin does not jump around the battlefield like some of the other Bat Family members.



Being a technological genius, Robin was able to hack into the Justice League’s Watchtower systems to give him access to their teleporter. This allows him to travel short distances and is extremely useful in Gotham City when he is moving from one rooftop to another. The teleporter is also a key element of Robin’s combat and can help him take down enemies quickly before entering into battle. Robin is also equipped with other tools to help him in his traversal around Gotham City, including the grappling hook, which he will also be able to use in combat.

With the grappling hook and the teleporter, Robin may be able to traverse the city faster than any other Knight. While all the others do have access to a grappling hook, their primary means of traversal will likely be much slower than that of Robin. However, this could be a double-edged sword, as fans may find it difficult to teleport Robin to an exact location due to the speed at which it seems to move. So, while Robin may have the quickest traversal in the game, the speed may require players to get enough practice in before they can rely on it.

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Gadgets and Weapons


Tim Drake is not known for his fighting prowess; instead, he is famed for his use of clever gadgets that often keep him out of sight or get him out of dangerous situations. In the Robin gameplay trailer, fans saw three gadgets that are geared solely toward stealth: the slingshot that fires a blinding flash of light, the explosive decoy that can help him slip back into the shadows and confuse enemies, and the cloaking suit that lets him go invisible. These gadgets could be the key to unlocking Robin’s full potential when playing the game and will likely prove to be the most used items in his arsenal.

Robin’s slingshot is also his primary means of ranged attacks and could include multiple types of ammunition that will allow him to deal different types of damage. The slingshot will be especially vital to his gameplay since it is also one of the ways that Robin can get back into stealth, and if the game does include multiple types of ammunition, will be perfect for co-op play. With all his gadgets and weapons at his disposal, Robin is gearing up to be one of the most enjoyable characters in Gotham Knights and a worthy successor to Batman himself.

With DC Comics stepping away from Batman in Gotham Knights, the stage is set for Robin to finally gain the recognition he rightly deserves. With his trusted staff and vast array of gadgets and technology, Robin is perfectly equipped to handle the enemies that threaten the safety of Gotham City. Gotham Knights needs to play into Robin's capabilities of working with others since he is the most experienced fighter when it comes to teaming up. Fans eagerly await the chance to see Robin grow as a character and see how he would handle the death of his mentor, and thankfully, that wait is almost over.

Gotham Knights is set to release on October 25, 2022, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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