Gotham Knights is set to revitalize the Batman universe within gaming as WB Games moves away from the Arkham series and shifts its focus to The Dark Knight’s allies, the Bat-Family. With this major change, fans are hoping that there will be an introduction of villains that have never been seen in a game before. Many rumors have already been floating around as to what characters will make an appearance in Gotham Knights, and with the CW show of the same name also in production, fans are looking toward the casting in the show to ascertain who will be in the game.

Recently, CW announced the casting for Joker’s daughter, Duela Dent, who was first introduced in the comics during the Pre-Crisis era. While the show will not be related to the game, the inclusion of lesser-known villains in Gotham Knights would be a welcomed addition. If Duela Dent was used, the game would get a perfect reflection of the Bat-Family since she considers herself to be the daughter of multiple famous villains, including the Joker, Penguin, The Riddler, and even Catwoman. Her presence in the game could foreshadow many other villains appearing in future Gotham Knights content.

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Duela Dent: The Joker’s Daughter?


While Duela Dent has been popularized as Joker’s daughter, she has claimed to have been the daughter of many villains from Gotham City. From Scarecrow to The Riddler, Duela has formed a unique space in the Batman Universe as a truly versatile character, and this feature could excel her to become one of the best villains in gaming. Her abilities as a detective and an acrobat would also make her a perfect rival for Robin and could create an interesting narrative between the pair.

Another way for the game to use Duela Dent would be as an ally, as she was also a member of the Teen Titans. Duela had a friendship with Dick Grayson in the Pre-Crisis Teen Titans where she started using clown-based gadgets like her famous lipstick gun. Since DC has now moved well past the Pre-Crisis Teen Titans, it is highly unlikely that Duela will be an ally, but seeing how she would work alongside the likes of Nightwing and Batgirl would be interesting since she could combine the fighting styles of Batman and his nemesis, Joker.

What Can Duela Dent Offer Gotham Knights?

duela dent nightwing

Duela Dent could turn into one of the most memorable villains in DC games if she features in Gotham Knights, with WB Motreal mimicking the same treatment that was given to Red Hood in Arkham Knight. Showing a new side to Duela Dent would be a great way to revitalize the character and boost her current popularity. On top of this, with so much of Duela Dent still shrouded in mystery, it would also give the developers a chance to add their own spin on her origins.

With Gotham Knights setting up a Gotham City without Batman, having Duela included in the game could showcase how she would cope in a Gotham City without her father, the Joker. This duality between the heroes and the villains would add contrast and could create a space where the competing groups realize some common ground and possibly team up to take on the Court of Owls. Duela’s character has a lot of potential within Gotham Knights, and even utilizing her as one of the side characters could be worthwhile.

The DC Universe is filled with great heroes and memorable villains that can carry a game, movie, or comic series on their own. With Gotham Knights taking the spotlight away from Batman and giving it to his proteges, the same could be done with Duela Dent, who could usher in a new era for Gotham’s crime by taking the torch from the old guard. With Batman now gone, it seems almost fitting that the game will not feature the Joker, and having Duela in his place would be a great way to mirror the troubles that the heroes are going through.

Gotham Knights releases on October 5, 2022, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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