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Tagging Enemies should never be overlooked in Gotham Knights, since it allows players to keep track of enemies through walls without needing to tap AR Vision constantly, displays information about their affiliation and thus their weapons (most useful for Regulators who sometimes have weapons from Mr. Freeze), and identify informants who can be interrogated for valuable clues.

Related: Gotham Knights: Best Abilities/Skills for Red Hood

Gotham Knights also sometimes asks players to tag enemies as a bonus objective when dealing with Premeditated Crimes, so knowing how to do it is essential. Luckily, the process of tagging enemies in this game isn't terribly complicated.

How To Tag Enemies

Gotham Knights_Red Hood_Tag Enemy

In order to Tag an enemy players will need to hold down the AR Vision button. This causes a target reticule to appear in the middle of the screen. Aiming this target reticule at an enemy or object and holding it over them for a second or so will scan the target. This reveals additional information about the target which can be viewed while the cursor remains over them. This also automatically marks the target, so that they can be seen even through walls without needing to keep using AR Vision.

Tagging Enemies is best handled from stealth before entering combat, as it is easy to get interrupted while marking a target during battle, and enemies tend to move more erratically during combat, which makes it harder to keep the cursor over them. It isn't entirely impossible to tag enemies in combat though, especially if enough distance is put between the player and the enemy.

Smoke bombs are a useful tool for getting out of combat to reassess the situation, and can provide an opportunity to tag targets after engaging in combat. Certain skills like Robin's decoy can also be useful for creating a chance to tag enemies in combat, and in multiplayer it's easier to find a chance to scan since the other player(s) can draw the enemy's attention for a little to allow time for the scan.

It's worth noting that Nightwing has his own separate ability called Assassin's Mark, which is performed in a similar way but requires players to hold down the ranged attack button while looking at the target in AR Vision. This is not the same as tagging the enemy, but many of the same tactics and techniques mentioned in this guide can also be used to provide the opportunity to use Assassin's Mark, which increases damage taken by the marked target.

Gotham Knights is available for PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.

More: Gotham Knights: Things About Nightwing the Game Changes from the Comics