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Gotham Knights final mission has players taking on the League of Assassins in their secret tunnels beneath Gotham City, spanning the distance from the Graveyard to the space beneath Wayne Manor and the ruins of the Batcave. Players have to face off against both Talia Al Ghul and her new general, the resurrected and brainwashed Bruce Wayne.

Related: Gotham Knights: Techniques Closest to Arkham's Batman

Bruce has been exposed to countless dips in the Lazarus Pit in efforts to errode his will, corrupt his morals, and imbue him with greater strength thanks to Langstrom's research. Talia seems confident that her new general is fully under her control, but the Bat Family aren't giving up without a fight. This is nearly the end of Gotham Knights main story, so let's take on Bruce.

How To Beat Bruce Wayne

Gotham Knights_Bruce Wayne_Boss Fight_Ground Pound

Fighting Bruce Solo is a tricky encounter since he moves quickly and hits hard. Fortunately, he has a pretty small range of attacks to work with, which makes him far more predictable than The Batman ever was. Clearly, those dips in the Lazarus Pit haven't been doing him any favors where strategy is concerned.

One element of Bruce's moveset that can be troublesome is his teleport, which he uses to quickly reposition and attack the players from various angles. Watching for his reappearance and dodging his incoming attack is critical to avoiding the high damage he deals. Follow up with a guard break immediately after evading his ground pound and players can unload a good two or three hits on him before he starts fighting back again. Players can extend that combo further if Batgirl is the one fighting since her beatdown can interrupt Bruce's counterattack and extend her attack window a bit further if timed well. Something else to watch out for is the stun damage his ground pound deals, which will leave the player vulnerable for a considerable amount of time if they take too many hits from his ground pound.

Bruce also uses lots of piercing combos, so perfect dodging the final hit of these can open him up to a perfect attack. This opens him up to a counterattack, allowing players to chip away at his health bar. When he has lost around a third of his health he will fall to one knee and players will have the chance to try to get through to him. He'll throw the player away the first time this is done, but he'll fall to his knees twice more during the fight, offering the opportunity to keep trying to get through to him.

Gotham Knights_Bruce Wayne_Boss Fight_Appeal

After trying to get through to him for the second time (after he's lost around 2/3 of his health) he'll start using electrified explosive batarangs, which stick into the ground and do additional damage if the player is still in their way when they detonate. These can also inflict the shocked status effect if a player gets hit by too many of these in quick succession. They can most easily be avoided by dodging backward out of their path when thrown.

After getting Bruce down to almost no health and trying to appeal to him one last time, he'll snap out of Talia's brainwashing and the fight will end.

Gotham Knights is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.