With every new game, show, and film that is derived from the source material of DC Comics, plenty of Easter eggs can be expected. Gotham Knights is the latest game from Warner Bros. Montreal, which puts the control of Robin, Red Hood, Nightwing, and Batgirl into the hands of players, as they mourn and avenge the death of their mentor, Batman.

There are plenty of great Easter eggs in Gotham Knights, and some of the best are sure to widen the eyes of DC Comics’ most die-hard fans. There are plenty of references in Gotham Knights about iconic heroes, villains, and DC Comics events that have yet to happen in a video game format.

8 Superhero Emails

jason todd email from clark kent in gotham knights

Throughout Gotham Knights, players will be able to check each of the four characters’ individual text messages and emails. These are a great way to pass the time in Gotham Knights, and a great entry into the lore and respect that this universe provides from the DC Universe. It also brings fan-favorite heroes to Gotham Knights canon.

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These texts are fun to read, and feature in-character moments from iconic DC heroes like Superman, who will talk about Bruce’s death to Nightwing, or even offer some friendly advice about flirting with Barbara Gordon. Other characters’ messages appear as well, such as Bart Allen’s Flash, Starfire, the Birds of Prey, and many other iconic DC characters.

7 Kate Kane, Batwoman


With the inclusion and importance of Jacob Kane in Gotham Knights, the game all but confirms a larger DC Comics character making their way to the games. Jacob Kane is the father to Kate Kane, who — as well as being Bruce Wayne’s cousin — is Batwoman in the comics. Batwoman is an interesting member of the Bat Family. She does things her way, and has led many of her comic books just as Batman did.

The inclusion of Jacob Kane certainly opens the doors for Kate Kane to burst onto the scene like a batarang for justice. The in-game world of Gotham Knights is the perfect playing ground for playable DLC characters like Batwoman, a character with a great set of skills and personality.

6 Noonan’s Bar

noonan's bar from the harley quinn animated show

Gotham City is no stranger to sleazy bars. After all, the city is mainly a crime-ridden cesspit, where normal citizens just want to drown their sorrows in booze for when they inevitably get robbed on the way home. However, one of these sleazy bars, Noonan’s Bar, is a popular spot in the comics for Tommy Monaghan.

Tommy Monaghan features in DC Comics as a hitman. He has good standings with superheroes, even if he has murderous tendencies and a violent profession. He even has minor telepathic powers and quite the backstory. This character hasn’t been seen in comics since 2001, but Noonan’s Bar is a great reference to him.

5 Robin And Superboy

robin and superboy photo in gotham knights

To further emphasize that Gotham Knights is not merely contained to a Gotham story and that there are more superheroes out there in the world, the game features plenty of Easter eggs showing fellow heroes. In the Belfry on Tim Drake’s desk, players can find a framed photo of Robin and Superboy. It might not be the clearest, but who could miss that iconic black t-shirt with the red Superman symbol?

Not only does this Easter egg confirm a larger world of superheroes, but it helps to expand the Gotham Knights universe as its own lived-in DC Universe, with characters all over. It shows that Tim Drake has formed friendships with the Teen Titans and other heroes off-screen, with a rich history.

4 Tatsu Yamashiro, Katana

katana's twin blades gift for kane in gotham knights

When players reach Kane’s apartment, they have to investigate thoroughly for a private elevator. Luckily for them, their keen eyes will be rewarded with a great Easter egg for another DC Comics character. Players will find twin blades, with the description reading “A gift to Kane from Tatsu Yamashiro.”

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Tatsu is a character known as Katana. This Japanese sword-wielding hero has been through many adventures in the DC Universe and has been a member of the Outsiders, the Birds of Prey, the Suicide Squad, and even the Justice League. These twin blades are a gift, but not her main weapon. That would be the Soultalker, which captures the souls of any victim that falls by the blade.

3 Professor Pyg’s Poetry

Professor Pyg Cropped

Despite a few random criminals wearing pig masks in Gotham Knights, there is no relation to Professor Pyg. This character does not use willing henchmen, considering how scary and bizarre his gruesome mind is. However, fans can find Pyg’s cell, but they shouldn’t investigate for too long, as even the presence of the abandoned cell is creepy enough.

Within Pyg’s cell, players can find poetry that one would expect from Pyg. As far as players are aware, this Easter egg referenceing the DC Comics character is all players will find of Pyg. Perhaps he is planning something for a DLC, or he is working with Joker to surgically remove his face as the New 52 showed.

2 Scarface Doll

The Ventriloquist and Scarface from Batman the Animated series

Batman keeps a trophy room in the Batcave, and the Gotham City Police Department keep an evidence locker in their headquarters. In this lockup, players will spot a creepy-looking doll on a shelf. This is the doll known as Scarface, a puppet that is inanimate and made of wood but is used by the Ventriloquist to project a personality onto the dummy.

Scarface is oddly comedic, and a caricature of classic mobster movie characters. Luckily for the characters in Gotham Knights, nobody wears Scarface to see if the doll has supernatural possessive powers, or is simply the projection of the Ventriloquist.

1 Nth Metal

dark knights metal characters

The best source for legendary gear is Nth Metal, a farmable reward that can be used to both upgrade characters and create iconic blueprints for better gear. Nth Metal is rare in the game, but not as rare as it is in comics. It’s a nice touch to see this metal appear in Gotham Knights, as it holds much significance in not just the DC Universe, but the Dark Multiverse itself.

Batman has investigated Nth Metal before, as its origins came from Hawkman’s armor and weapon, but soon, DC discovered it had further uses. Nth Metal could be used as a gateway to let in the remnants of the Dark Knights and the Dark Multiverse, all led by the Bat-God Barbatos, a far greater threat than the Court of Owls.

Gotham Knights is available now on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Gotham Knights: What Happened to Red Hood and Batgirl