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Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Red Hood all feature as unique playable characters in Gotham Knights. They all have something to bring to the Bat Family, and all make great defenders for Gotham City following the death of Batman.

Something that Gotham Knights experiments with is different abilities and skill trees. Each player has unique Momentum Abilities to further assist their combat style for Gotham Knights. There are some great abilities to invest in, and players need to be careful not to waste them, as skill points cannot be reset.

9 Speed Boost (Nightwing)

gotham knights nightwing red hood gameplay reveal

Speed is important when it comes to fighting in Gotham Knights. Players won’t want their enemies to know their next move, and that’s easy to accomplish when opponents cannot anticipate what is to come because of the lightning speed. With Speed Boost, acrobatics come into the fray, a natural talent of Nightwing.

This focus on agility and speed allows Nightwing to move faster for 15 seconds. The further he travels to hit enemies, the more momentum he gains. Considering this only consumes 1 bar of momentum, Nightwing will surely be the fastest in Gotham Knights.

8 Mystical Rounds (Red Hood)

Gotham Knights - Red Hood

Red Hood isn’t the easiest character to use, thanks to his reliance on non-lethal pistols and lack of batarangs. Red Hood can’t just run around shooting people dead, nor can he throw fists into people’s faces like they are bricks. However, the Mystical Rounds ability can pull off a powerful, yet tricky shot.

This ultimate Momentum Ability triggers an intensely powerful bullet that can bounce upon enemies, and even annihilate small groups. The large damage is also great for bosses with a health bar that needs slapping down.

7 Adrenaline Surge (Batgirl)


For Batgirl, one of her best Momentum Abilities is more of a stat buff than anything else. When using Adrenaline Surge, Batgirl with have increased damage, critical hit chance, critical hit damage, defense, and elemental effect build-up.

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The drawback of this ability is the fact that it is not a permanent boost, as it will only last for 12 seconds. However, it’s a great boost when there’s an abundance of enemies, and they need to understand that Batgirl is not trapped with them, they are trapped with Batgirl.

6 Bo Swing (Robin)

gotham knights unique endings nightwing robin batgirl red hood characters

Robin has quite the talent with his Bo staff, and Bo Swing allows him to use his primary weapon to great effect. Robin can hit multiple enemies with the staff, with a wide range and great strength, which unleashes a heavy flurry of wide attacks.

By using the Bo Swing, players will be able to maintain distance or even focus their fury on a single enemy that was foolish enough to think Robin would be an easy target to take on. How wrong they are.

5 Drone (Batgirl)

Gotham Knights_Powers Club_Batgirl

The drone ability is an unlockable Momentum Ability exclusive to Batgirl. This allows her to use a drone that will follow her around the battlefield and will heal both Batgirl and the ally she has taken into battle with her. Not only does it do great healing, but it can cause damage to enemies.

It’s an effective Momentum Ability due to its passive nature. Batgirl doesn’t need to do anything skillful to use it. However, the ability does have a 30-second cooldown, which means players cannot always rely on it.

4 Microbots (Robin)


Robin shows his impressive talents of genius invention when he unleashes the Microbots. This Momentum Ability is perfect for controlling the crowds of people that want to throw punches Robin’s way. His microbots will be unleashed three at a time, latching onto villains and dealing damage to them.

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It’s a great way to keep some enemies off of Robin’s back. Pairing these with incendiary elemental damage is great too, as the microbots shoot that element anyway, meaning quicker fire for quicker knockouts.

3 Whirlwind (Nightwing)

nightwing using his whirlwind momentum ability

With the Whirlwind ability activated, Nightwing hits the floor and begins to spin around, with a flurry of kicks and hits with his escrima sticks. Whoever is in range of this attack, is threatened with a fury of quick strikes from below.

Using this ability is a great way to gain defense, as Nightwing becomes impenetrable from all sides while he is using this move. On top of the quick damage it dishes out, pairing it with elemental damage makes for a maximized damage output.

2 Spoilsport Reload (Red Hood)

WB Montreal confirms when players will get a new look at what Red Hood brings to the team in Gotham Knights.

A lot of the time spent in Gotham Knights will be in combat. Players will be facing enemies quite a lot, and more often than not, it will be overwhelming, with an abundance of enemies blocking the path to Gotham City’s safety. With Spoilsport Reload, players can jump backwards, and avoid the cluster of death that awaits them.

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Not only can players jump back, but they release exploding magazines which cause a great deal of damage to enemies that will be in the blast radius. This is another move that adds to Red Hood’s solo style of play.

1 Nest (Nightwing)

gotham knights red hood nightwing

The Nest Momentum Ability can be regarded as one of the best for co-op, especially since it features a large bubble that makes a small arena around Nightwing. This “nest” follows the character, and when Nightwing is in the nest, he has reduced damage dealt to him, as well as healing over time. Enemies in the bubble also take more damage.

This buff applies to both Nightwing and his teammate, meaning that boss fights will be easy considering they can punch away at the health bar from the nest. The only downside of this 20-second ability is the 5-minute cool down it comes with.

Gotham Knights is available now on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.