Gotham Knights is finally a week away from launch, and fans may have thought they had seen everything about its marketing by now. WB Games Montreal spent a lot of time in the past few months dedicated to Gotham Knights’ four playable protagonists: Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and Red Hood. Each character is unique and fans may have already decided which of the Knights they plan to main when Gotham Knights releases on October 21. However, one huge announcement was recently made revealing that Gotham Knights will eventually release a four-player co-op mode.

The mode is called Heroic Assault, and is independent of Gotham Knights’ main story mode. This means that there still will not be the possibility to have four players running around Gotham City at once. Instead, Heroic Assault is its own mode with an “arena-like environment,” which seems to suggest that it will take place in a separate location or interior, and not Gotham City’s open world. Either way, the premise of a four-player co-op in Gotham Knights is fantastic as it will allow players to live out their fantasy of fighting alongside Gotham Knights’ entire Bat Family.

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Gotham Knights’ Heroic Assault is a Treat for Co-Op Lovers

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Heroic Assault releases on November 29, which puts it out a little over a month after Gotham Knights’ official release date. This is fine, as it gives players enough time to familiarize themselves with its playable protagonists, complete the base game’s narrative, and potentially even level up their characters in anticipation.

As of right now, it is unknown if Heroic Assault will transfer the stats of players’ high-leveled characters or be a simple challenge mode that has nothing to do with the action-RPG progression in Gotham Knights. Either way, this will surely be an exciting announcement for fans who had already planned to play the entirety of Gotham Knights in two-player co-op.

It had been previously hinted that Gotham Knights would have four-player co-op, but those rumors were put to rest with the explanation that they were visual errors seen on respective websites. It seems now that fan wishes for four-player co-op won't go completely unanswered, but that four-player would only be available as its own separate, post-launch mode. This gives co-op fans much to be excited about, though they will have to wait a bit longer to learn what Heroic Assault’s arena floors have in store for them.

Gotham Knights’ 4-Player Co-Op Bodes Well for the Game’s Future

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Gotham Knights would have been perfectly fine without including a four-player co-op mode, but including it anyway demonstrates that WB Games Montreal understands what its fans want. It would be interesting to learn if Heroic Assault was always planned as a post-launch game mode, or if including four-player co-op was decided upon in the middle of development.

Players cannot work together in four-player co-op to thwart random faction gang crimes in Gotham Knights’ open-world Gotham City, but having a four-player mode is a great step toward that being a possibility in the future. Perhaps Gotham Knights could add such a feature later if the reception to Heroic Assault is positive.

Likewise, if Gotham Knights is received well, its sequel will almost assuredly feature four-player co-op again in a similar capacity, maybe even with a greater emphasis toward it over two-player co-op. If nothing else, Gotham Knights’ Heroic Assault will be a great reason for players to return to the game a month after its launch, and it is remarkable to see that this surprise game mode will be available for free soon after launch.

Gotham Knights is scheduled to release on October 21, 2022, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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