Goose Goose Duck is a social deduction game similar to Among Us, where the ducks are responsible for murdering the geese without getting caught out. Among the advantages that this game has are the large variety of sub-roles that can be assigned to change the gameplay, and the proximity voice chat, which allows for more interaction during the rounds with other players.

Although all of this is great, the added features over other similar social deduction games can make it difficult to know where to begin as a duck in attempts to murder all the innocent geese in the game. Here's how players assigned the duck role can win the match.

5 Take It Slow

Gameplay from Goose Goose Duck

One of the most common ways that a novice duck will be caught out is in not realizing they are in view of another goose as they go for a kill. The rounds in Goose Goose Duck are longer than in some other games, and it isn’t necessary to move as quickly as a killer. The maps are also larger than in games like Among Us, so there will be opportunities to get sneakier kills by wandering around. It's not necessary to immediately jump in for a kill as soon as possible.

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One of the ways to throw geese off completely is to not kill anybody at all in the first round. New players can the other ducks take care of business for a little while, and ensure that there is no suspicion early on. It is easier to do this with the voice proximity chat on. Speaking to geese and chilling out for a round or two will make it memorable in their minds that the player was around often and are unlikely to be a killer.

4 Know Your Role

Goose Goose Duck Morphling

Ducks often aren’t just ducks in Goose Goose Duck. Much more than other social deduction games, Goose Goose Duck focuses on sub-roles, and there are plenty of ways in which killers are unique. Instead of simply going for kills, make sure to read up on the assigned sub-role, and that players use whichever kind of duck they are playing to the fullest of its abilities.

Some examples of changed roles are an assassin, who can kill people during meetings if they can guess their role. The demolitionist can plant bombs on geese instead of directly killing them, enabling a getaway before the death. The morphling can change their appearance into that of a goose to frame them for the murders instead of trying to be sneaky. All of these and many more roles are available in the game, and so it's be important to change play style to suit the current sub-role.

3 Know Your Enemy

Goose Goose Duck Dodo

While it is hugely important to know the duck sub-role being played when playing as a killer, it is also vital to pick up on which geese are playing which of their own sub-roles. Listening to what everybody says and trying to deduce the roles of other players can be vital to success. Some enemies will be sheriffs, and can kill a duck if they catch them. Others may not even be geese, but neutrals, trying to play a completely different game from everybody else.

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Accusing the wrong goose could get a duck into trouble, because there are neutrals who can win the game by being voted out. Still others may be trying to eat the bodies of duck victims to win. Trying to listen and figure out as many of the roles as possible is one of the key ways to learn where everyone stands in the game. This information can be valuable for strategy later in the round.

2 Be Careful In Meetings

Goose Goose Duck map

This is especially relevant while learning the game. Just as it is easier not to get accused during rounds by being around as often as possible and blending into the background, it is easier not to get accused in meetings by being reasonably quiet.

Players can rely on more complex once they know the game better, but it will be difficult to question other players on their whereabouts when roles and maps aren’t well known. In the meantime, the best policy will be to go for the more quiet victory. Duck players should try to stay silent or as quiet as possible, so they don’t draw too much attention their way.

1 Other Strategies

Artwork for the game Goose Goose Duck

As the game is played more, it will get easier to come up with new ways to play. From self-reporting to ringing the meeting bell as a duck, there are ways to throw geese off and make them believe that a player is being too active in the game to be a duck. Since the silent strategy is usually more popular, this being active can help absolve the player.

Once players get more comfortable, these strategies and other, more complicated options become available to them. The important thing is to make sure that players keep it simple until they gain a better level of comfort with the game. Once they're used to all the mechanics, they can start adding to their repertoire and become less predictable as a duck. Otherwise, anybody that plays with a player frequently will start to catch on to their style, and it will be much more difficult to win.

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