Goose Goose Duck is a multiplayer strategy game that was released in April 2021, where players play as either a goose or a duck. Geese work together to complete tasks whilst simultaneously surviving one player who will take on the role of a duck. Ducks must trick their rival geese by posing as a goose and subtly taking out other players.

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The game is structured similarly to the popular 2018 teamwork game Among Us, which became popular during the lockdown as it allowed friends to play together from home. Goose Goose Duck can be played both in a private or public lobby allowing players to play with their friends and family or alone.

10 Stick With A Partner When Playing

The cover image from Goose Goose Duck

A good strategy to take on during the game is to stick with a partner or friend throughout. The game has zero special items to aid success, so it is crucial that careful strategy is used to win in the game. If playing as a goose, the main objective should be to complete as many tasks as possible whilst avoiding the ducks.

Working with a partner allows gamers to progress in the game free from harm since if the duck attempts to interfere, there will always be a witness. A good tip for geese is to announce and stick with a teammate, so the rival player knows that the player is not alone.

9 Asking For Help As A Duck

Characters from Goose Goose Duck

A great way of taking out geese when playing as a duck is by tricking geese that the player is a goose as ducks do not need to perform the same tasks as geese.

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Asking for help performing a task from a fellow goose when gamers are playing as a duck is an excellent way of luring geese to your location and making them victims without giving up a hiding space. Playing this way as a duck also continues the facade that the player is in fact one of the geese on the ship.

8 Make Use Of Air Vents When Playing As The Duck

Goose Goose Duck map

Ducks have a few advantages over geese in the game as they are playing individually instead of in a team. One of these is the advantage of being able to use air vents as transportation and hiding spaces. This gives players an advantage over their geese counterparts.

Using these air vents means that players can travel hidden on the down low and can flee from a crime as soon as it is committed, making them less suspicious as potential suspects.

7 Help Out Even As A Ghost

A Goose Goose Duck meeting

Even if geese fall victim to the rival Ducks in the game, they can come back as ghosts and continue gameplay. Although gamers can no longer attend meetings with fellow geese which are usually used as opportunities to exchange information, players can still perform tasks and help their team of geese win.

If playing with friends, fans can also observe as a ghost and pass on observations of suspected ducks and suspicious activities.

6 Use The Smartwatch To Damage The Ship

Gameplay from Goose Goose Duck

Another advantage for ducks, in addition to the air vents, is that they will also have the advantage of a smartwatch. This smartwatch allows the duck player to damage parts of the ship allowing them to sabotage the plans of the opposing team as well as interrupt their tasks.

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When used strategically, damaging the ship can drag geese to certain locations, prevent them from completing tasks, or lure them to the duck.

5 Call Meetings To Report Information

Discussion happening in Goose Goose Duck

Meetings in the game are used to meet with teammates as a goose and to discuss any suspicious activities or suspected ducks. If the player sees anyone disappear from the map or into an air vent, make sure to call a meeting as soon as possible so that the players teammates can discuss and work towards discovering the duck.

Teamwork is essential when playing as a goose as players can all work together to perform tasks and keep an eye out for any ducks or murders.

4 Keep A Low Profile

Artwork for the game Goose Goose Duck

The best thing to do when playing as a duck is to keep a low profile and a solid poker face. It is key to remain anonymous as a duck to take out the geese. This means keeping a low profile and planning attacks strategically is the best route to take for success as a duck.

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Keeping a low profile when taking out geese also means they will find the duck player less suspicious if they keep up the goose facade.

3 Use Roles And Sabotages To Your Advantage

Gameplay from Goose Goose Duck

In the Classic+ version of Goose Goose Duck, roles and sabotages are randomly assigned to players at the start of the game, and it is key to save these and use them strategically with flawless timing. Each player's role or sabotage will be completely different meaning everyone will have a unique advantage. These special advantages include invisibility and the ability to hide bodies easier.

For example, the invisibility role, when timed perfectly, can be used to see a murder, exposing which player the duck is.

2 Watch The Tutorial

The Goose Goose Duck title screen

Although it may be tempting to jump right into the game, watching the tutorial will give gamers an immediate head start and an advantage over players who decided to skip. The tutorial covers gameplay and some tips on how to be successful both as a duck and a goose.

Having a good understanding of the game is key to planning the best strategy that will lead players to victory.

1 Plan Your Approach

The Goose Goose Duck victory screen

Although ducks have the advantage of the smartwatch and air vents, geese can make the most of being part of a team and use this to their advantage. Before beginning the game, players playing as geese can create a plan and strategize the best direction to take the game to aid their success.

Whether this is to stick to focusing on tasks, prioritizing finding the duck, or even focusing on an individual objective, there are many ways to play the game, and part of the fun is figuring out which strategy works best. Overall, there are a variety of ways to play Goose Goose Duck, however with these helpful tips, success is almost guaranteed.

Goose Goose Duck is free to download and available on Steam.

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