It seems more and more people are trying video game development, as the software necessary for making games becomes more available. Games developed by one person such as Stardew Valley and Undertale reveal that seemingly anybody can make a game if they have enough determination. Recently, a new game being created for the Game Boy Advance by an extremely small development team achieved its funding goal on Kickstarter.

The developers behind the game Goodboy Galaxy revealed that they have raised more than $100,000 through Kickstarter. In addition to being significantly more than their original goal of $25,000, they managed to reach this impressive milestone with over a month still left in the game’s Kickstarter campaign. Furthermore, the project managed to achieve all of its stretch goals. These include a physical release for the Switch, co-op play for Switch and PC, a chapter of the game exclusive to the Game Boy Advance, and more.

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Set in outer space, the player controls a dog named Maxwell who is also an astronaut. Featuring an enduring and at the same time nostalgic 2D art style, the game looks to add its name to an impressive list of charming indie platformers. According to the developers, the game is “kind of like Cave Story, or a cuter Metroid." The project seems to have a focus on exploration as Maxwell explores the galaxy.

Goodboy Galaxy is planned to come to the Game Boy Advance. This is no doubt unusual for 2021 as the last Game Boy Advance game was released over 13 years ago. Nevertheless, the 2 developers behind the creation of the game are determined to bring their project to the classic handheld, as they both have a passion for the system. Luckily for fans that don’t own a Game Boy Advance, the developers plan to launch the game on current gaming platforms including the Nintendo Switch and PC. While the complete game isn't expected to launch until 2023, gamers can download a demo on the Goodboy Galaxy Kickstarter page.

Many titles have gone on to become popular after a successful run on Kickstarter. One example of a Kickstarter game that has remained popular is the metroidvania Hollow Knight. Set in the despondent world of Hallownest, the melancholy game received praise for its art and challenging gameplay. Games such as Hollow Knight should make fans of Goodboy Galaxy optimistic that the creators can deliver a polished experience for gamers.

It’s exciting to see projects such as Goodboy Galaxy meet their funding goals on Kickstarter and receive the opportunity to be made into full games. This new adventure about an intrepid astronaut dog might give gamers the perfect reason to dust off their Gameboy Advances.

Goodboy Galaxy is expected to release for the Game Boy Advance, Switch, and PC in 2023.

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Source: IGN