It appears that some people just aren't satisfied beating games the traditional way anymore. There are always those looking for an extra challenge or a way to mix things up, and many of them find it by getting creative, such as playing games without the standard controller. A recent video posted to YouTube showcases one such gamer, who used his piano to play through and beat the first level of GoldenEye 007. 

Jackson Parodi, an accomplished pianist, has a YouTube channel full of renditions of popular songs, many of them from video games. It seems the next logical step was to put those talents toward beating a video game using his instrument of choice. What we get is a strangely beautiful playthrough of the first level of GoldenEye. 

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At the beginning of the video, Parodi provides a visual guide to what keys on the piano have been assigned to the various buttons on the N64 controller. From here, it's mostly all gameplay, with Parodi occasionally playing the various pieces from the soundtrack, such as the classic 007 theme song in the beginning. The music produced is slightly disjointed, but still surprisingly pleasant.

Yes, it is the first level of the game, which is very simple. Yes, he chooses the easiest difficulty. And yes, he just speeds through the level as quickly as possible. But you can't help but be a little impressed. It is very experimental, very different, and that's a good thing. It is only a few short minutes, so it is certainly worth a gander for anyone tired of the same old gaming videos. Let's hope Parodi tries this out on more classic titles to see how they sound.

While this is an example of someone trying to keep things fresh and fun, there are those that use alternate controllers for the sheer challenge of it all. Take YouTuber ATwerkingYoshi, for instance, who used DK Bongos to beat Sekiro. The DK Bongos have been a popular choice for these types of gamers, but few of them have the nerve to use them on game's as notoriously difficult as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It took ATwerkingYoshi 10 hours to run through the game, with a total of 130 deaths; likely much less than some playing the traditional way. But he did it, which is both ridiculous and highly impressive.

He has a reputation as a glutton for punishment. ATwerkingYoshi also once used DDR Dance Pads to beat Dark Souls 3. He posted a video of himself defeating the final boss, the Soul of Cinder, but says that wasn't even the hardest boss for him. He claims the most difficult was the Dancer of Boreal Valley. Using the dance pad, it took him a little over 44 hours to complete the game, with a total of 354 deaths in the process.

NEXT:GoldenEye 007 Dev Reveals if Using Oddjob is Cheating

Source: Kotaku