The addition of legendary first-person shooter GoldenEye 007 to the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack and Xbox Game Pass has been a long-awaited arrival celebrated by the gaming community at large. However, not everyone is necessarily enthralled about the new Switch and Xbox ports of the title - including some of GoldenEye 007's original development team.Rumors about the 1997 classic getting a modern re-release had been swirling for many years, with a version of the game anticipated as far back as the Xbox 360 era. A port of the game was finally announced for Switch last September, with a version of GoldenEye 007 for Xbox announced with major improvements, though it seems some of those improvements are missing.RELATED: GoldenEye Mod Replaces Cast With Mario CharactersAcross a series of Twitter posts, former Rare employee and original GoldenEye 007 composer Graeme Norgate shared his thoughts on the new emulation releases, claiming that the "old team" would've done a better job than the two separate studios that handled each version of the game. Wishing to get the team back for "one more gig," Norgate asserts that "labour of loves" are more valuable than trying to make a profit. Several other members of the original team have chimed in as well, glad to see their work gain new life but disappointed they weren't invited to help.[EMBED_TWITTER][/EMBED_TWITTER][EMBED_TWITTER][/EMBED_TWITTER]While the Switch version has online multiplayer support, the Xbox version of GoldenEye 007 is missing online multiplayer altogether. This has caused a significant backlash among Xbox players, as many believe the Microsoft consoles are far more conducive to online play than the couch co-op-favoring Switch. The decision is rather confusing, especially considering Xbox's more powerful hardware and the fact that Microsoft owns Rare, GoldenEye 007's original developer.While gamers are glad overall to finally have access to the iconic game on modern platforms, many Xbox Game Pass players are questioning why they didn't get the canceled GoldenEye 007 remaster. An HD remaster of the title had already been completed some time ago, which shows vastly improved textures and frame rates compared to the one just released. With such an importantly nostalgic title for so many gamers, it should be interesting to see if GoldenEye 007 receives any major updates in the future.GoldenEye 007 was first released for the Nintendo 64 in 1997. It is available now for Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.MORE: The 'Silliness Switch' Gaming Trope ExplainedSource: Nintendo Life