Goldeneye 007, at the height of its success, was one of the most popular first-person shooters ever created. To this day, the game remains an influential and memorable piece of gaming history. Though, even the most die-hard fans of the game can readily admit that the original version of Goldeneye 007 on the Nintendo 64 has aged rather poorly. This has led to numerous recreations of the game by way of modern resources and this latest version has quite a lot going for it.

Considering how split up the license was after Rare, the company behind the development of Goldeneye 007, was purchased by Microsoft, it's hard to know if the gaming community will ever see an officially licensed remaster of the game, especially considering the fact that Nintendo's copyright on Goldeneye 007 expired three years ago. This has left the future of this classic game in perpetual stasis.

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As mentioned previously, Goldeneye 007 has had its fair share of fan recreations over the years. These versions vary wildly as a result of the software used to remake the game. However, there is a version of the game that was remade using the Unreal Engine 4, which looks incredibly impressive. Though, that version is just a recreated version of Facility, the second part of the game's opening mission, and unfortunately features no gameplay.

Having said all this, someone has successfully recreated the iconic second part of the first Goldeneye mission in VR as a mod for Half-Life Alyx. The mod still utilizes many assets featured in Half-Life Alyx, such as the gun design and use of the Combine as enemies. Despite this, it's still a very accurate recreation of the level from a cosmetic and layout standpoint.

When Half-Life: Alyx first released, it set the bar for what could be accomplished in terms of both VR gaming and first-person shooters. The possibilities were quite literally endless in terms of what could be accomplished in this format. In fact, there was a person who recreated the iconic playable teaser from Silent Hills using Half-Life Alyx. This one game built an incredibly strong foundation that hopefully, future titles can build upon.

As for Goldeneye 007, it still remains an incredibly beloved game that deserves to be brought into the modern age of gaming. If this Half-Life Alyx mod and the various fan versions of the game are any indication, the demand for a Goldeneye 007 remake is quite high. Hopefully, one day, the dreams of countless Goldeneye 007 fans may finally be realized.

Goldeneye 007 is out now for the Nintendo 64.

MORE: GoldenEye 007 Dev Reveals if Using Oddjob is Cheating