The Golden Kamuy series tells the tale of Sugimoto, an ex-soldier; and Asirpa, an Ainu girl. Together, the two of them join forces to search for lost Ainu gold. The only leads they have to go on are the map tattoos on the skin of Abashiri convicts, which makes their journey fraught with peril.

Along their way to find the Ainu gold, Sugimoto and Asirpa meet different people who are either enemies, allies, or people who just observe. With their experiences, mannerisms, and deadly abilities, each character comes with a wide array of abilities that make them feared by others. To survive in such a world, Sugimoto and Asirpa must carefully observe each character’s strengths and weaknesses, making sure they are prepared for whatever comes their way.

8 Asirpa

Aspira staring

Asipa, the series' deuteragonist, is introduced early on in the plot. After saving Sugimoto's life, she joins forces with him on his dangerous quest to recover the Ainu riches. Despite her tender age, Asipa demonstrates her power and resourcefulness in a number of different ways.

Asirpa is an accomplished hunter and bowwoman because she was raised in an Ainu clan. Asirpa can put up a fight despite her "thou shalt not kill" mentality. She uses the Ainu culture's teachings to assure her group's survival in the dangerous terrain they encounter in their search for the Ainu treasure.

7 Genjirou Tanigaki

Genjirou Tanigaki staring

Genjirou Tanigaki enlisted in the military with the intention of tracking down and killing the person responsible for his sister's death. During the Russo-Japanese War, he stayed in the army despite a lack of motivation. He was helped by Asirpa, whom he met after the battle, and when he learned of her precarious situation, he set out to save her.

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Tanigaki, a member of the Matagi clan, could kill a bear with just a knife or his bare hands. This shows how good he was at hunting and how strong he is. His military experience also honed his abilities as a close-combat fighter and marksman. Tanigaki's remarkable abilities as a tracker and hunter make him both a great asset to his allies and a terrible foe.

6 Ogata Hyakunosuke

Ogata Hyakunosuke sniping

At an early point in Golden Kamuy, Sugimoto ran into Ogata, the first of the rogue members of the 7th Division to be presented to fans. Ogata had an outstanding record as a marksman while he was a Superior Private in the 7th Division. In his childhood, Ogata considered patricide a rite of passage to adulthood and murdered his family, believing in his twisted philosophy.

Ogata was mostly known for his deadly accuracy and his ability to look at dangerous situations calmly and accurately. Coupled with his extreme mental fortitude and hunting abilities, Ogata was a feared character. Furthermore, Ogata had honed his marksmanship since childhood and became a cold-blooded sniper.

5 Ushiyama Tatsuuma

Ushiyama Tatsuuma arm locking

Ushiyama Tatsuuma, an Abashiri prisoner, is an unassuming but potentially lethal individual. As a man of strength, he appreciates and admires those who are also formidable. Ushiyama often satisfies his base urges for sexual activity. He tends toward violent behavior if he goes for long periods without engaging in such activities.

Ushiyama is a massive judo expert. His overwhelming physical strength makes him a dangerous opponent. He was so confident that he killed his master and 10 of his other students without batting an eye. Ushiyama was one of the strongest prisoners in Abashri prison, where he remained even after his murders.

4 Hijikata Toshizou

Hijikata Toshizou smirking

Hijikata Toshizou, a seasoned veteran from a bygone era, was imprisoned after the Shinsengumi were defeated at the Battle of Hakodate. While he was behind bars, he allowed himself to be tattooed with a piece of the Ainyu gold map. Hijikata jumped right into the fight for the gold after breaking out of jail, and his team quickly established themselves as a serious contender.

Hijikata is an old man, but he still knows his way around a katana. His proficiency with a sword was nearly unrivaled, and he made short work of anyone who pursued him. Hijikata was also a skilled marksman, as evidenced by his use of a Winchester rifle in addition to his katana.

3 Sofia Golden Hand

Sofia Golden Hand

Sofia is quite the unique character in Golden Kamuy. A former member of Russia's aristocracy, she gave it all up to lead the revolution, and Sofia is an exceptional figurehead. She's willing to commit a variety of crimes without remorse to finance her revolutionary operations.

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Despite her fearsome appearance, Sofia is an honorable woman at heart. Mental fortitude, toughness, and courage are essential qualities for a revolutionary group leader, and Sofia possesses all three in spades. She has a high level of combat expertise and can easily hold her own in a fight. And she rarely yields to torture.

2 Sugimoto Saichi

the immortal sugimoto stopping an attack with his teeth

As the protagonist of the Golden Kamuy series, Sugimoto Saichi is a valiant man. He grew up to be a kind-hearted person and participated in the Russo-Japanese War. Using only the map tattoos of Abashiri prisoners as a guide, Sugimoto and his companion Asirpa set out after the war to find the lost Ainu wealth.

During the Russo-Japanese War, Sugimoto was called "Sugimoto the Immortal" because he was so hard to kill. This name was bestowed upon him because of his unyielding will to live and his unconquerable spirit. Few characters in the series have what it takes to defeat Sugimoto, the immortal, what with his extensive military training, great physical abilities, and tactical intellect.

1 Tokushiro Tsurumi

Tsurumi holding a stick

Tokushiro Tsurumi, the series' major antagonist, is characterized by a number of distinctive traits, from his mannerisms to his physical appearance. Tsurumi believes he is unable to rein in his odd tendencies after sustaining a hit to the front of his brain. A veteran of many battles who has managed to stay alive, Tsurumi begins his search for the Ainu treasure before Asirpa and Sugimoto even arrive.

Tsurumi has a high IQ, which makes sense because he used to be an intelligence agent. His ability to command highly skilled individuals demonstrates his excellent persuasion. Tsurumi's ability to anticipate his opponents' moves is thanks to his pragmatic and calculated nature. He is extremely ambitious in his pursuit of the Ainu gold so that he can establish a military dictatorship on Hokkaido and rule as leader.

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