One of the most fascinating aspects about the Kaiju genre is the amazing fights that these titanic creatures engage in. And this is something where Legendary Pictures’ Monsterverse never disappoints. Thanks to these movies, iconic characters like Godzilla and King Kong have been part of some of the most incredible action scenes ever put on film.

This is true once again in their most recent adventure, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. The new film sees Godzilla and Kong teaming up once again in order to defeat a powerful villain, but other monsters make memorable appearances as well. This means that there are a fair share of great fights in this movie, and this is the definitive ranking of the best ones.

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7 Godzilla vs. Tiamat

Godzilla Encounters A Small Obstacle Before Reaching His New Form

Godzilla vs. Tiamat in the Godzilla Dominion comic.
Image from the comic Godzilla Dominion

During his mission to get more powerful, Godzilla travels to the Arctic Ocean in order to absorb a large stockpile of solar energy, which is located inside the lair of an underwater titan known as Tiamat. Monsterverse fans immediately recognized this monster from her original appearance in the tie-in comic Godzilla Dominion.

As expected, Tiamat tried to drive Godzilla from her lair, and instantly constricted him with her serpentine body. But this was no match for the King of the Monsters, who used his atomic breath to chop her into pieces. This was a brief but satisfying encounter that showed off what happens when someone gets in Godzilla’s way. Not to mention, is the only underwater fight in the entire film.

6 Godzilla vs. Scylla

A Short But Epic Fight To Start The Movie On

Godzilla uppercuts Scylla in Rome.

After a brief prologue centered around Kong, Godzilla x Kong switches to an intense scene of Scylla attacking Rome, until Godzilla arrives to put a stop to her rampage. It didn’t take long for the movie to get into the giant monster action, and it’s greatly appreciated because it was a good way to get the audience hyped.

The fight itself doesn’t last long, but it’s solid anyway. The two monsters charge at each other, but Godzilla overpowers Scylla with an uppercut and a throw, only to destroy her with his atomic breath. This was only a small taste of the epic monster brawls that Godzilla x Kong was preparing for its audience.

5 Kong vs. Suko & The Great Apes

A Hilarious Brawl That Has Gone Viral

Kong encounters Suko.

Most of the marketing for this movie was centered on Suko, which led people to believe that he was going to have a cute father-son relationship with Kong. But this is not what happens in the actual movie when the infant ape first appears, as he immediately tries to attack Kong. To make things even worse, other Great Apes were waiting on the sidelines to ambush the main character.

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Despite his initial confusion, Kong dealt with these enemies with little to no issue, even when they took his ax away from him, because he was clearly much more experienced at fighting than any of them. But the most memorable part of this fight – which already inspired countless memes on the internet – was when Kong used Suko’s small body as a weapon against the other apes. It was true mindless fun.

4 Kong vs. Skar King

Establishes The Main Villain’s Strength

Skar King and Kong clashing in Hollow Earth.

It’s important for a movie like this one to establish how much of a threat its main antagonist is, and Godzilla x Kong does it effectively. When Kong arrives at this civilization of giant apes that were enslaved by Skar King, the evil ape monarch didn’t seem like he could put up a good fight. He was obviously thinner and older than the Eighth Wonder of the World.

But Skar King immediately proves that he is a dangerous fighter. He uses his wits, his agility and his deadly bone whip to overpower Kong, and even manages to steal his battle-ax. To top it all off, he also unleashes the freezing power of his underling, Shimo, on Kong, forcing the ape to retreat with a severely damaged hand.

3 Godzilla vs. Kong

The Rematch That Everybody Was Waiting For

Kong tries to stop Godzilla in Egypt.

Even though the title Godzilla x Kong implies an alliance between the titular characters rather than a battle, it would have been disappointing if they didn’t face each other a second time, after the events of Godzilla vs. Kong. After his brief encounter with Skar King, Kong goes up to the surface to ask Godzilla for help. But the powered-up King of the Monsters only wants to battle him, since the ape just entered his territory.

What ensues is one of the most over-the-top kaiju battles in cinema history: Godzilla suplexes Kong like a professional wrestler. Kong uses his new mechanic glove to pummel his opponent, only to later grab him by the tail to carry him into Hollow Earth. It's a chaotic encounter, and it’s always fun to see these two movie icons fight each other. At the end, Kong was yet again no match for Godzilla, and the ape would have died for a second time if it wasn’t for Mothra’s intervention.

2 Godzilla, Kong, & Suko vs. Skar King & Shimo

An Epic Monster Brawl In Rio de Janeiro

Godzilla and Kong fight Skar King and Shimo in Rio de Janeiro.

Even though this is technically a continuation of another fight, the change in location and reduction in fighters mean it can be classified as an entirely different battle. This is the climax of the movie, as all the important kaiju finally get out of Hollow Earth and arrive at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This felt like a breath of fresh air, because on the Earth's surface, the audience could truly feel the sheer size of these titanic monsters.

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Most of the focus of this fight is on seizing Skar King’s crystal, so he can stop controlling Shimo, who is actually the most dangerous threat to both Godzilla and Kong. Skar King uses his whip to throw buildings, Godzilla uses his atomic breath and raw strength to distract Shimo, and Suko even helps out by giving Kong his iconic battle-ax. Ultimately, the moment in which Shimo is finally freed from control and turns on her captor by freezing him with her frost breath is one of the most satisfying parts of the film.

1 Godzilla, Kong, & Mothra vs. Skar King, Shimo, & The Great Apes

A Chaotic Monster War Without Gravity

Godzilla and Kong fight Skar King and Shimo in Hollow Earth.

This is the moment in the movie that everyone was waiting for: when Godzilla and Kong finally reach Hollow Earth in order to face Skar King and Shimo together. This setup was already promising enough, since getting to watch this duo fight together a second time was going to be amazing. Yet it was made even better when the Iwi used their technology to remove the gravity from the region, which made the battle even more memorable.

Skar King and Kong can be seen using their agility alongside the low gravity to jump around and attack each other, while Godzilla and Shimo become a tangled mess of brawling lizards. Even Mothra comes into the equation, protecting the humans from the attacks of Skar King’s great ape army, and later assists Godzilla in his fight against Shimo. This is the most fun scene in the entire movie, and it will always be remembered as one of the most creative fights in the entire Godzilla franchise.

godzilla x kong poster Cropped
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

Release Date
April 12, 2024
Adam Wingard
Legendary Pictures
Warner Bros.