
  • Magni & Modi, Thor's sons, put up a decent fight but were ultimately weak.
  • Hermes relied on arrogance and speed, but his overconfidence led to his downfall.
  • Persephone, Hephaestus, Mimir, Aphrodite, and Hera were also weak gods in the God of War series.

Ever since the first God of War game launched on the PlayStation 2 almost two decades ago, the franchise has been one of Sony's biggest. Telling the story of the vengeful Spartan warrior turned-god Kratos, the series is known for its epic storytelling, unique take on Greek mythology, and incredible gameplay.

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Kratos has become one of PlayStation's best anti-heroes, and he's done so by slicing his way through two whole pantheons of gods. While most of the gods Kratos has faced have been mighty immortals, not all of them have put on such a convincing showing. In fact, some of them have come across as downright weak.

When picking the gods for this list, we took into account game lore, feats, and the role the gods played in the story.

7 Magni & Modi (God Of War 2018)

Thor's Dumb Sons

God of War (2018)

PS4 , PC
April 20, 2018
Santa Monica Studio
Action , Adventure

Magni and Modi kind of come as a pair, so they're worth lumping together. Seeing as they're both sons of Thor, one of God of War's most powerful gods, one might think the two brothers would be pretty strong. And to be fair, in God of War 2018, they do give Kratos a pretty good fight. At least for a while.

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Both brothers boast super-human strength and the ability to manipulate lightning. Their first fight against Kratos and Atreus is a grueling one, and at times the duos seem fairly well-matched. That is until Kratos buries the blade of his ax firmly in Magni's skull. The cowardly Modi then runs away, only to be stabbed in the neck by the child Atreus much later in the story.

The two brothers might seem strong at first, but it has to be remembered that in God of War 2018, Kratos is rusty and fighting without all the toys and powers he picked up in the original games. Even worse, Modi got taken out by Atreus, which is a little embarrassing. Still, they put up a decent fight for a short while, landing them in last place.

6 Hermes (God Of War 3)

Not Fast Enough

God of War 3

PS4 , PS3
March 16, 2010
Santa Monica Studio
Action , Adventure

Any comic book fan knows that speedsters are underrated. Hermes is basically the god of speedsters. Sadly for him, he's also proof that over-reliance on one power and too much arrogance can make even the most blessed gods weak.

God of War has featured a lot of noble gods, but Hermes isn't one of them. With his incredible speed, he should have been able to quickly put down Kratos, who couldn't land a hit on him. Instead, he wasted time joking around and gloating, handing Kratos the chance to corner him. Cornered and forced to fight Kratos one-on-one, Hermes was no match for Kratos in the strength department. With his enemy unable to run away, Kratos easily overpowers Hermes and takes off his legs before killing him. Seemingly powerful at first, ultimately Hermes' arrogance and stupidity meant he was no match for everyone's favorite God of War.

5 Persephone (God Of War: Chains Of Olympus)

Ran Out Of Tricks

God of War: Chains of Olympus

March 4, 2008
Ready at Dawn
Hack and Slash

Persephone is one of Greek mythology's most tragic characters, and that's reflected in God of War: Chains of Olympus. Not originally a villain, the game sees Persephone plotting with the Titan Atlas to destroy the world. More of a plotter than a fighter, her combat skills are ultimately found to be lacking. To say she's the Queen of the Underworld, she also wields none of the usual powers fans would associate with such a role.

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In her ultimate battle against Kratos, Persephone puts up a valiant fight, using her powers to telekinetically throw rocks at him, summon beams of energy, and fly around the arena to avoid his attacks. Unfortunately for her, she's still no match for Sony's angriest mascot, and Kratos uses the Gauntlets of Zeus to smash her to death. It's one of the darkest endings in the franchise, leaving a once noble goddess dead and Kratos once again alone after choosing to abandon his beloved daughter.

4 Hephaestus (God Of War 3)

Powerful, Just Not In Combat

Poor old Hephaestus had a face only a mother could love. A surprisingly important god, he acted as a smith to the Olympians and was the one they came to when they wanted a shiny new toy. Gifted in pyrokinesis and electrokinesis, Hephaestus was such a skilled alchemist that he could basically create something out of nothing. It was he who created Pandora, the goddess who would later become the key to killing the mighty Zeus once and for all.

So what's he doing here? Despite his gifts, Hephaestus was absolutely no good in a fight. Trusting Hephaestus over Helios was one of Kratos' smartest decisions, but sadly, Hephaestus was ultimately forced to unwillingly betray Kratos. When the two finally came to blows, it was a short and very one-sided fight. Kratos easily disarmed Hephaestus before electrocuting him with the Nemesis Whip and impaling him in the stomach with an anvil spike. Kratos barely broke a sweat, and Hephaestus died begging the ashen warrior to spare Pandora. Despite the betrayal, Kratos never seemed to hold any ill will against his former ally.

3 Mimir (God Of War 2018)

He's A Head

It's pretty easy to see why Mimir ranks so highly as one of the weakest God of War gods. He's literally a severed head that Kratos carries around for most of the 2018 release. Still, God of War is one of the best games inspired by folklore, and it does the legendary Mimir a disservice to discount him as just a severed head.

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One of PlayStation's flagship franchises, Santa Monica Studio's God of War has produced plenty of great games. Naturally, some are better than others.

Originally a Fae king, Mimir became an Aesir god after becoming Odin's trusted advisor. Despite being the wisest of the gods, Mimir eventually got on the increasingly paranoid Odin's bad side. This resulted in Odin transforming Mimir into a tree and sticking him on top of a mountain. Odin then tortured the poor god for ten years until Kratos turned up and decided to play woodcutter. Mimir might not be physically strong, and he's no good in a fight, but the fact he survived Odin's torture for so long has to count for something.

2 Aphrodite (God Of War 3)

A Lover Not A Fighter

Aphrodite appears in the original God of War and God of War 3. Players never get to learn that much about her, but the little bit fans know suggests she's one of the weaker gods, at least physically. She plays the most prominent role in God of War 3 when she offers Kratos some information he needs in exchange for a "good time." The player is free to say yes or no, although agreeing results in one of the franchise's most cringe-worthy minigames.

From what we see of Aphrodite, she has no physical feats and no combat powers. All that can be said for her is that her beauty is so spellbinding that it manages to stop the normally kill-happy Kratos from murdering her on sight. That's about it. As powers go, being pretty is one of the least impressive, earning Aphrodite a top spot.

1 Hera (God Of War 3)

Snap Goes The Neck

God of War has a ton of strong female characters, and anyone who knows about Greek mythology might think Hera would be one of them. Wife to Zeus in the original mythology, Hera was second only to her husband in godly power. In the God of War universe, though, she's pretty much the opposite.

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Hera spends most of God of War 3 being as manipulative and bitter as possible, and her primary role throughout is to act as a thorn in Kratos' side. Towards the end of the game, she makes the mistake of taunting Kratos one too many times by referring to Pandora as "that little w***e." Kratos responds by snapping her neck like a particularly skinny stick. Hera barely sees it coming. There's no big confrontation, no epic boss battle, just a snap. Even more humiliatingly, Kratos then uses her corpse to solve a pressure plate puzzle. An embarrassing end for God of War's weakest god.

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