The God of War franchise has come a long way from its hack-and-slash beginnings on the PS2. Kratos traded in his unadulterated rage towards the Greek pantheon for fatherhood in the realms of Norse mythology, allowing the character and series to mature. That maturation has paid dividends, resulting in some of the best games of the last five years, with 2018's God of War and 2022's God of War Ragnarok being revered by fans and critics alike. Now all eyes are on what Santa Monica Studio will do next, as many anticipate the franchise will be moving to yet another iconic mythological setting.

According to Santa Monica Studio, God of War Ragnarok was the last entry in the franchise's Norse Era. There's no confirmation on where God of War will go next, though fan speculation has overwhelmingly pointed towards Egypt. At this point, a handful of mythologies have a chance to take center stage, but what's most important about a future sequel is how it leverages that mythology through gameplay. Santa Monica Studio did a superb job at taking core elements of Norse mythology and translating them into exciting gameplay, and there's one feature in particular that should stick around no matter the setting.

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The Next God Of War Should Keep Endgame Bosses

God of War Valkyrie Gondul attacking Kratos Cropped

2018's God of War flipped the franchise on its head to great success, both in terms of narrative and gameplay. It was the latter of these that perhaps changed the most, as not only did gameplay shift from a purely hack-and-slash experience, but boss fights were redesigned as well. The greatest indication of this change can be found in God of War and Ragnarok's endgame bosses, who provide a substantial challenge to even the most skilled players. These bosses are the highlights of the Norse Era, helping it standout from the previous trilogy and running a common thread through each entry.

In GoW, these bosses were the Valkyries, Odin's servants who transport valiant warriors to Valhalla. Due to a curse placed on the Valkyries by Odin himself, they've all been driven to insanity, and eventually defeating them is seen as a mercy. Defeating them is no easy feat, however, as by the time players reach the Valkyrie Queen Sigrun, they're faced with one of the most challenging boss battles of the last decade. Ragnarok includes a similar challenge with the Berserkers, ghostly warriors who play a nearly identical endgame role as the Valkyries, and provide a similarly tough fight for Kratos and Atreus.

There's no telling how Santa Monica Studio is going to reinvent God of War with its next entry, but if it keeps one thing from the Norse Era, it should be these challenging endgame bosses. God of War isn't like most of today's games that are filled with DLCs or live-service elements, and while it's arguably better for it, it leaves players with minimal endgame content once the credits roll. The Valkyries and Berserkers gave players something to strive towards, no matter how impossible it may sometimes seem, and to ditch them would be to abandon one of the reasons many gamers loved the Norse Era so much.

It's going to be a very long time until any amount of official news on a new God of War game comes to light, but for now, fans can only hope Santa Monica Studio keeps more from the Norse Era than it doesn't. Whether God of War travels to Egypt or not, there's plenty of potential for endgame bosses that expand the experience and provide a challenge for those who want to seek it out. It may be supplemental to the overall experience, but God of War and Ragnarok have shown that the little things can make a big difference.

God of War Ragnarok is available now on the PS4 and PS5.

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