
  • The God of War franchise underwent significant changes in both story and gameplay, with the combat becoming slower and more methodical.
  • The modern God of War games introduced only one new weapon per game, which has been an exciting element for players, but there is a possibility that this trend may end.
  • Instead of adding another weapon in the next game, it could be more effective to expand on the existing weapons and abilities, introducing new combos or alternate stances to keep the gameplay fresh without becoming overwhelming.

Anyone familiar with the God of War franchise is well aware of just how much the series was changed for its 2018 and 2022 releases. The story and overall tone were more mature and grounded, with God of War Ragnarok further emphasizing parenting as a central theme, but the gameplay saw major changes as well. Following the more grounded, understated story, the combat of God of War became slower and more methodical, which impacted how weapons were handled.

God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnarok each introduced a single new weapon. This stands in stark contrast to previous games, such as God of War 3, which gave players four new core weapons, while also featuring a number of novelty armaments for specific set pieces. Despite the smaller selection, this has been one of the more exciting elements of the modern God of War games, as the two new weapons have been well-designed and thematically appropriate. However, as God of War continues Kratos's story, it's possible that this trend of adding one new weapon per game could come to an end.

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God Of War Already Features Enough Weapons

God of War Ragnarok-1

2018's God of War gave Kratos his axe, and Ragnarok introduced the Spartan Spear. These weapons sit in Kratos' armory alongside the famed Blades of Chaos, and the three of them create a trifecta of elemental powers: ice from the axe, air from the spear, and fire from the blades. Going into 2018's God of War, many fans were likely disappointed that Kratos had seemed to swap out his iconic Blades of Chaos for the one-handed axe, but it can now be argued that the axe has become just as iconic. Thus, rather than God of War (2018) abandoning the past, it builds upon it, giving players a new tool that is not only well-designed, but connects directly to the story, as the axe once belonged to Kratos' late wife Faye.

The Spartan Spear was another welcome addition, deepening Ragnarok's combat with a weapon that is stylish, effective, and connects to Kratos' relationship with Brok. However, it doesn't seem to have had the impact as the axe, from a gameplay or a lore perspective. The simplest explanation for this would be that, as Kratos' weapon collection expands, each weapon becomes less significant; there can only be so many iconic, franchise-defining weapons in God of War at the same time.

The Next God Of War Might Expand What the Series Already Has


It's possible that the next God of War could shake things up in a major way, and this could include re-examining how weapons work. While Kratos could get a new weapon, it is unlikely that it will hold the same significance in the story and in the eyes of fans when compared to the blades, axe, or even the spear. Moreover, adding another weapon to the mix might devalue the three weapons that Kratos already has at his disposal, or make the combat experience too cumbersome and complicated.

Instead of adding yet another weapon, Sony Santa Monica could build out the weapons and abilities Kratos has at the end of Ragnarok. The next God of War will surely keep some features, so the core gameplay of the three weapons can remain the same, but perhaps introduce new abilities, combos, or even something akin to Hades' weapon aspect feature, where each weapon has four unique forms, could keep things fresh without being overwhelming or excessive. In this same vein, something like alternate stances similar to Dante's combat system in Devil May Cry could fit the franchise nicely.

Of course, it's difficult to predict exactly where God of War will go following Ragnarok, so the combat and weapons systems could change drastically. The next entry could scrap Kratos' weapons altogether, having him start anew, or the next God of War could retire Kratos entirely, focusing solely on Atreus instead, which would result in a more considerable combat overhaul. Still, if God of War is sticking with Kratos, then keeping his weapon assortment lean might be for the best.

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