
  • God of War Ragnarok sets the stage for Atreus to take over as the protagonist, as Kratos embraces a more peaceful role in the story.
  • Kratos has evolved into a more introspective character, leaving room for Atreus to face his own challenges and grow independently.
  • The future of the God of War franchise may see Atreus stepping out of Kratos' shadow, taking on new adventures and narrative directions.

It's not clear when, but a new God of War game is coming. God of War Ragnarok, though not ending on a cliffhanger, doesn't offer enough closure to justify another franchise hiatus. In other words, God of War's story must go on, as there are still questions that need to be answered.

There's a fair chance that Atreus will lead the next God of War, as Kratos ends Ragnarok, and especially its Valhalla DLC, with a much more pacifistic disposition. It's heavily suggested that he will fill the void left by Tyr's death, effectively becoming the Norse God of War, assuming the role of a leader rather than a maverick warrior. More importantly, Kratos's primary motivation for fighting has been removed, and while it wouldn't be unreasonable for the next game to introduce a new antagonist that forces Kratos out of "retirement," all signs point to the titular god taking a back seat moving forward, letting Atreus carve out the future of the series.

God of War Ragnarok’s Muspelheim Trials and Valhalla DLC May Be Two Pieces of The Same Puzzle

Offering similar gameplay challenge types, GoW: Ragnarok's Valhalla DLC and Muspelheim trials could be further elevated by combining the two.

The Next God of War Game Should Be Clear About Kratos's Role

Kratos: To Retire or Not to Retire

Kratos undergoes a dramatic transformation in God of War Ragnarok, a metamorphosis that was sparked in God of War 2018. Wracked with guilt, shame, and fear for the fate of his son, Kratos spends much of his time in these games running from his past. By the time Valhalla ends, though, he has incorporated his darker side and come to terms with his shadowy history, ultimately becoming a more multifaceted, thoughtful person in the process.

This is great storytelling, but it leaves a lot up to interpretation as far as future narrative potential is concerned. It seems clear that God of War's 'sad dad' arc has come to an end, and with that storytelling font exhausted, there's not as much room for Kratos to be a protagonist once more. The antagonistic forces of the Norse realms have all been defeated as well, so it's hard to imagine how much more potential there is without another major shift in setting. Despite this, Ragnarok and the Valhalla DLC aren't exactly conclusive when it comes to Kratos' future. Right now, he's straddling the line between his classic action-hero persona and a more wizened leader, prioritizing wisdom and collaboration over combat.

Many have speculated that God of War will visit Egypt next , so perhaps this would provide new narrative routes for Kratos. However, it's more likely that Atreus would be the one to tackle foreign lands, as he is on a pilgrimage and Kratos has no obvious reason to leave the Norse realms.

Kratos' Role Informs Atreus'

Assuming Atreus does indeed pivot to the position of primary protagonist in the next God of War, he will be fighting an uphill battle to get out of Kratos' shadow. For this to happen, Atreus needs to be further developed: his solo game needs to pit him against significant challenges and force him into tough decisions that will help shape his identity as an independent hero. Atreus has dealt with challenges before, but he's always had his father for support, both literally and from a metanarrative standpoint. If Atreus is going to be the main protagonist, the focus of the story needs to be on him, not Kratos.

This will be challenging if Kratos embarks on another high-stakes adventure in the next game. History has shown how challenging it can be to nail the dual-protagonist story structure in a game, and there's an extra layer of complication introduced when one of the protagonists is a long-time, iconic hero, and the other has only been introduced a few years ago. Atreus could share the spotlight with Kratos in the next game or he could be the star, but not both. Being clear about Kratos' role in the overarching God of War narrative is crucial to defining this narrative focus.