
  • God of War 2 and God of War Ragnarok are standout entries in the franchise, offering satisfying gameplay, compelling narratives, and impressive setpieces.
  • God of War 3, despite some flaws, delivers epic spectacle and an intense final showdown, making it a classic in the series.
  • The original God of War and Ghost of Sparta offer solid experiences, although they are not as polished as their sequels, while Chains of Olympus and Ascension fail to stand out among the franchise's strong lineup. God of War: Betrayal, a mobile game, provides a unique but difficult-to-find experience.

The God of War franchise has come a long way since beginning in 2005. As one of gaming's most popular hack-and-slash franchises, it remains one of Sony's most consistent single-player series and an occasional PlayStation mascot. For almost twenty years, God of War has dished out satisfying combat as it adapted the Greek and Norse mythological pantheons into its antihero's tragic saga. Things are looking better for Kratos and his son Atreus now, but many enemies and tragedies had to be overcome on the way.

In terms of quality, God of War has held to a high standard befitting a first-party PlayStation franchise. There have only been nine complete God of War games in total, and none of them are bad in the grand scope of action games. What mainly divides them is how their strengths and weaknesses compare to their peers, and fortunately, most are still worth playing for one reason or another.

RELATED: God of War Shows Its Storytelling Mastery When Looking Beyond Kratos

S Tier


God of War 2 - An old adage about video games proposes that every game is allowed one sequel that is the same, but better. God of War 2 is an ideal sequel and remains a shining star that action game fans still respect as the zenith of the series’ gameplay. With just the right mix of traversal, fighting, puzzle solving, and Greek drama, God of War 2 will continue to motivate older PlayStation fans to break out older PlayStation consoles for another run.

God of War Ragnarok - The aforementioned gaming proverb also holds true for God of War's latest entry, God of War Ragnarok. Expanding on the gameplay and narrative of the 2018 game, Ragnarok accomplishes the mind-boggling task of bringing the Norse saga to a satisfying close after just two games. Apart from this making God of War Ragnarok a little long in the tooth, the game addresses every complaint directed at its predecessor and currently sits as one of the best first-party titles on the PlayStation 5.

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A Tier

A scene featuring characters in God of War (2018)

God of War 3 - Many small gameplay and story nuances keep God of War 3 below God of War 2 on many fans' personal tier lists, but the game is still undoubtedly a classic. God of War 3’s spectacle was so far beyond its predecessors that even God of War Ragnarok may not have as many gargantuan setpieces across its runtime. These do sidetrack God of War 3’s combat and storytelling somewhat, and overemphasize its quick time events for players who don't like them, but that's a small price to pay for the most epic final showdown between Kratos and the Olympian gods possible.

God of War (2018) - Fans were initially apprehensive toward God of War’s soft reboot in 2018, with concerns ranging from its pivot to RPG systems to its new camera angle, and to how the story would carry on from God of War 3's ending. Despite all that, God of War (2018) proved to be a smash hit and quickly endeared its Norse setting and characters to fans. Apart from limited enemy variety that weighed down the game's standout side quests, God of War (2018) proved that God of War could take many forms.

B Tier

God of War Deimos Kratos

God of War (2005) - The original God of War launched the franchise in 2005, setting a strong example for all that followed. Combat, puzzles, and even the story of Kratos seeking vengeance for his family despite being their killer all got off to a good start. Besides some pacing issues, the only thing that brings God of War 1 down is that it's not its sequels, so it can't benefit from their iteration and polish. As long as one understands God of War's context in 2005, revisiting it should be met with a good time.

God of War: Ghost of Sparta - Most God of War spin-offs couldn’t live up to their mainline counterparts, but the second PSP entry God of War: Ghost of Sparta managed to distinguish itself. On top of polishing Chains of Olympus' gameplay, Ghost of Sparta is best known for its meaningful additions to God of War's story. Featuring the sole appearance of Kratos' brother, Deimos, this short but sweet game is worth digging up by fans interested in Kratos’ origins.

C Tier

god of war betrayal

God of War: Chains of Olympus - The first PSP entry, Chains of Olympus, isn't quite as worthwhile. While it does translate classic God of War gameplay and visuals to a PSP, its already short run time for a God of War is filled with too many block-pushing puzzles. Combined with a bare-bones plot, God of War: Chains of Olympus is little more than the prelude to Ghost of Sparta.

God of War: Ascension - Players may not have expected much from God of War's portable offerings, but God of War: Ascension following God of War 3 on console proved a mistake. Ascension is the earliest game in God of War’s chronology but doesn’t enhance the series’ narrative in any way. The gameplay was also divisive, sporting many changes that split the fanbase and an unsteady camera that could obscure combat at its worst. God of War: Ascension isn't a bad game, and its multiplayer had some interesting ideas, but it fails to stand out in a star-studded franchise.

God of War: Betrayal - While it's been lost to time now, one of God of War's greatest curiosities is the side-scrolling phone beat-'em-up God of War: Betrayal. This game can’t compare to the fully 3D God of War games, but it's still impressive for a mobile Java title and delivers an authentic compact God of War experience. Finding it will be difficult, but some dedicated fans may still be able to appreciate God of War: Betrayal’s unique qualities.

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