In order to complete the Multiverse of Nonsense expansion, Goat Simulator 3 players will need to get their hands on four Instability Stones; an obvious parody of Marvel's Infinity Stones. The second of these is the Knowledge Stone, which can be found inside the Puzzleverse Rift in the Goofville area.

The Best Open-World Parody & Comedy Games

While many open-world games often dabble in comedy, these open-world satires don't just dabble but dive head-first into absurdity.

Before players can reach it, though, they'll first need to cause enough chaos to open up the rift and then complete the Trial of the Brain by solving a series of mysterious challenges. Some of these puzzles can be a little perplexing, although this guide should help to make life a lot easier for those who find themselves struggling.

How to Solve the Mysterious Challenges (Trial of the Brain Solution)

To get started, players will need to press three switches to open the large brown doors. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of switches to choose from, so finding the right ones can be a little tricky if you don't know where to look. Those in need of a few pointers should start by pressing the switch between the two trees to the right of the fountain and then make their way to the switch just left of the brown doors. The final switch is on the deck of the half-submerged ship, which players can reach by following the wooden path to the area that's to the right of the brown doors.


Once inside the building, players will come to a large room full of boxes, barrels, and mannequins. The aim here is to direct the red laser beam from the left side of the room to the right. To do so, players will need to move any debris that's blocking the beam's path and then headbutt the small yellow boxes with crystals attached to them to change the direction of the beam. For the most part, players will just need to go from point to point, although as they approach the last few yellow boxes, they should switch the direction of the beam so that it doubles back toward the device near the window on the right side of the room.

The next few rooms contain mazes, although players can simply walk directly from the start to the end-point without actually having to solve the mazes properly. After three of these, they'll then come to a giant Mastermind set. They can play the game as intended if they like, or simply headbutt the cover on the opposite side of the machine so that it opens to reveal the correct answer. It's then just a simple case of adding the appropriate pins to match the pattern under the cover. For those who'd like to solve the puzzle properly, a green light will be shown for every color that's in the correct position, while a white light means that the color is right, but the position is wrong.

Next comes a series of calculator puzzles. The solution to the first is 55, so players should jump on the 5 button twice. If they mess up, they can simply hit the reset button, which is in the bottom right-hand corner of the calculator. The next solution is 23, but the buttons on the calculator are unlabeled and out of order. That's alright though, as with a little trial and error, players will learn that 2 is in the position where 5 would normally be and3 is in the correct spot (ie, the top left-hand corner). For the final two calculator puzzles, players will need to quickly press the 1 button when it pops up and then press the 3 button when faced with the LOVE = <? prompt.

The next area contains a chess board with some pieces on it. Rather than moving pieces around the board to place the opposing King in checkmate like in a real game of chess, players will instead need to headbutt the black king so that it explodes. They can then make their way to the next room, where they'll need to connect the pipes to stop the oil from leaking. All of the L pieces on the ground are the same, so it's a simple case of tonguing one of them and dragging it into the gap from which the oil is flowing out until all of the gaps have been plugged. Once the pipes have been properly connected, the doors leading to the penultimate chamber will open.


The final puzzle requires players to drop the shapes into the correct holes. Although it appears simple, the game's controls make this one of the most frustrating puzzles in the Trial of the Brain. The best strategy is to get the pieces flat on top of the wooden structure and then gently push them into the correct holes. They probably won't fall flush right away, but assuming they're oriented correctly, players should be able to get them most of the way in and then headbutt them a couple of times to make them fall flat. Doing so will unlock the final door, through which, players will find a bunch of gears and a statue of a brain.

At first, this may seem like yet another puzzle, but despite the complex equations written all over the walls and floor, players won't actually need to use their brains too much here. Instead, they'll need to climb the statue in the center of the room and headbutt the brain a few times, as doing so will reward them with the Knowledge Stone. They'll then be transported back to Goofville, where they'll be free to continue on with the game's main story or hunt down some of the many collectibles in the Multiverse of Nonsense expansion.

Goat Simulator 3

Coffee Stain North
Coffee Stain Publishing
PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 17, 2022
Beginner Tips For Goat Simulator 3

Capra-cious And Capra-ble. Here are a few tips that beginners want to check out for Goat Simulator 3 as they wreak havoc with friends.