What started as a joke for a Game Jam event held by Coffee Stain Studios quickly transformed into one of the most popular simulators in the video game industry. Goat Simulator has shown the world that a game doesn't have to be remotely serious to be fun, which is why the latest Goat Simulator is even sillier than its predecessor.

RELATED: Goat Simulator 3 Review

And one effective way to be silly in Goat Simulator 3 is by purchasing wacky cosmetic items, like a Life Preserver or Traffic Cone. But, purchasing these items costs lots of Karma Points, which aren't always easy to come by. Fortunately, Coffee Stain Studios has provided players with plenty of ways of earning Karma Points fast.

What Are Karma Points

Goat Simulator 3 Karma Points Explained

Karma in Goat Simulator 3 is supposed to dictate how morally righteous (or unrighteous) a player is. But since it's a Goat Simulator game and players are expected to cause public disturbances (like "streaking" across a football field), that system doesn't affect gameplay. Instead, Karma is transformed into Points (similar to the old Goat Point system from Goat Simulator).

These Karma Points allow players to purchase several cosmetic items, from Heads to Horns. And while some items are cheap (1,000 Karma Points), others cost up to 30,000 Karma Points. So, players will need to spend quite some time farming Karma Points before purchasing the more high-end items.

Earning Karma Points

Goat Simulator 3 Earning Karma Points

Players should naturally earn Karma Points while playing Goat Simulator 3 since basically any action can reward players with points. But, there are five methods that will net the most Karma Points.

Playing Mini-games

Unlike its predecessor, Goat Simulator 3 features seven unique mini-games that can only be played in multiplayer. King of the Hill and The Floor is Lava are among the fastest mini-games for gamers to complete, meaning players can earn a considerable amount of Karma Points in a short period.

Syncing Goat Towers

At the start of the game (after reenacting the Skyrim opening scene), players will sync their first Tower. As players Sync more Towers throughout the world, they'll earn more Karma Points. Aside from earning Karma Points, syncing a Tower will unlock several Events, Mini-games, and Instinct challenges.

Finishing Missions

Players will most likely come across Missions as they explore the map. These Missions vary from simply taking an object to a location to hunting down a gang of whistleblowers. All Missions grant players Karma Points and some unique Cosmetic items.

Activating Instinct Shrines

Instinct Challenges are mini-challenges that players must complete to activate an Instinct Shrine. Once players complete the Challenge, they'll activate a Shrine which grants them a significant amount of Karma Points.

Finding Secret Events

There are a total of 20 Secret Events in Goat Simulator 3. These events range from eating the Forbidden Fruit to entering the belly of a whale. Upon completion, players will earn Karma Points and Cosmetic Items.

Goat Simulator 3 is available now on PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC.

MORE: Beginner Tips For Goat Simulator 3