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After an action-packed opening chapter, it shouldn't take Ghostwire: Tokyo players too long to get to grips with the game's core mechanics. They're eased into the loop of cleansing shrines, tackling side missions, and tracking down collectibles pretty seamlessly, though there are one or two things that could perhaps have been better explained.

RELATED: Ghostwire: Tokyo - How to Level Up Fast

Offering Boxes are among the most useful supernatural tools that players have at their disposal in Ghostwire: Tokyo, yet the game doesn't do a particularly good job of explaining how they work. For those aiming for 100% completion, these wooden troughs can be worth ten times their weight in Meika, though only if players know how to use them.

What Are Offering Boxes?

Approaching an offering box in Ghostwire: Tokyo

Offering boxes can be found at many of the shrines in Ghostwire: Tokyo, and, indeed, many of the shrines in Japan. They're often used to make wishes or give thanks, with people throwing in a coin or two before bowing their heads and making a wish. In Ghostwire: Tokyo, players can also use them to make certain wishes, which, in turn, can help them to find collectibles and other rare items.

How Do Offering Boxes Work in Ghostwire: Tokyo?

Choosing a donation amount in Ghostwire: Tokyo

When interacting with an Offering Box, players will be asked to make an offering. They can either toss in 100 or 500 Meica, with certain wishes only available when the larger amount is given. They'll then be asked to make a wish, with numerous options available. After choosing one of them, Ghostwire: Tokyo protagonist Akito will bow his head and the effects of the wish will take effect almost immediately.

Akito praying in Ghostwire: Tokyo

After making a wish at an Offering Box a cooldown period will begin, though players will be able to use the box again after twenty minutes or so or by leaving and then reentering the area. This can be useful for Offering Boxes in shrines that have multiple Tanuki hiding in their surrounding areas, or areas in which there are multiple Jizo Statues. After donating 10,000 Meika to Offering Boxes, players will unlock the "Pious" trophy/achievement.

What Wishes Can Be Made at Offering Boxes?

Wishing for Jizo statue locations in Ghostwire: Tokyo

Though there are a few additional non-functional wishes that show up on the list from time to time, there are only really five that players need to concern themselves with. Not all of them will be available each time that players pray though, as certain areas have no Tanuki or Jizo Statues, and so do not allow players to wish for their locations.

  • I wish I could find more Jizo Statues: The location of one Jizo Statue will be marked on the player's map.
  • I wish I could find more Tanuki: The location of one of the game's 25 hidden Tanuki will be marked on the player's map.
  • I wish I could find what I'm looking for: The location of one of the area's relics will be marked on the player's map.
  • I wish to recover health: Akito's health will be restored.
  • I wish to recover SP: Akito's Ether levels will be replenished.

Ghostwire: Tokyo is available now on PC and PS5.

MORE: Ghostwire: Tokyo - Complete Guide & Walkthrough