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Upon finally reaching the mysterious pillar of light near the end of Chapter 3, Ghostwire: Tokyo players will find the entrance to the Wayside Shrine. Inside, they'll learn a little more about the man wearing the Hannya mask, including the identities of two of his accomplices. One of them is the soulless husk of his daughter, who put up the barrier surrounding Shibuya and now stands between Akito and his sister, Mari.

RELATED: Ghostwire: Tokyo - How to Level Up Fast

Unlike the Chapter 2 boss, Yaseotoko, however, Hannya's daughter (or Ko-omote, as she's now known due to her mask) has the potential to be quite tricky if players don't know how to tackle her. Brute force just won't work, and, with KK and Akito separated again just moments before the fight commences, players won't be able to rely on their Ethereal Arts to bring her down either. Thankfully though, there are a few fairly straightforward methods for beating Ko-omote in Ghostwire: Tokyo.

How to Beat Ko-omote in Ghostwire: Tokyo (Stealth)


Like Yaseotoko before her, Ko-omote will transform into a Yokai just before the fight begins. After she transforms, she's able to separate KK and Akito, forcing the latter to fight her without access to any of his Ethereal powers. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, fighting her head-on is going to lead to players having a very bad time, with stealth and stun-based strategies offering much safer solutions to this potentially troublesome fight.


In order to beat Ko-omote, players will need to pull out all three of her tails. This is easier said than done though, as melee attacks and arrows just seem to bounce right off her, while her attacks are capable of shredding through the player's health bar very quickly if they're not careful. To combat this, KK suggests that players take a more stealthy approach instead, which turns out to be a pretty solid idea.


During the fight, Ko-omote will walk around the battle area, periodically stopping in order to look around for Akito. If players can get behind her without her noticing, they'll be able to Quick Purge one of her tails by pressing the L2 button. There are a few vents that grant access to the central building, which can be very useful for getting behind her, though players should be mindful that if she sees them enter the vents, she'll release some noxious gas which can cause a lot of damage.


Annoyingly, even if players use Skill Points to unlock the ability that increases player movement speed while crouching, Akito is still nowhere near fast enough to keep up with Ko-omote while she's on the move. As such, it's best to wait near the entrance to one of the vents until she passes and then sneak out behind her, as she tends to stop in the corners of the battle area more often than not. Alternatively, though, players can take a more forceful and time-efficient approach to proceedings.

How to Beat Ko-omote in Ghostwire: Tokyo (Force)


Scattered around the battle area are a number of floating red Ether crystals, which will explode if hit with an arrow. If Ko-omote is in range when they go off, she'll be stunned for five or six seconds, allowing players to get behind her and yank out one of her tails without the risk of attack. For most players, this method will likely be much easier and faster to pull off, as it's possible to complete the fight in a matter of minutes if all goes to plan.


Though definitely a lot riskier than the stealth-based strategy, players can lead Ko-omote over to the red Ether crystals rather than having to wait until she's in the right place. If they run out of arrows, they'll be able to find a few extra quivers by heading inside the vents. However, as mentioned above, they should be careful to avoid being trapped by Ko-omote's gas attack if they do decide to head inside.


Whichever strategy players opt for, pulling out Ko-omote's third and final tail will instantly end the fight, which leads to the Yokai exploding and KK and Akito being reunited once again. After another cut-scene, the man in the Hannya mask and his wife will leave, and Chapter 3 will come to an end. Assuming that this is the player's first time completing it, they will also unlock the "Connection" trophy/achievement at this time.

Ghostwire: Tokyo is available now on PC and PS5.

MORE: Ghostwire: Tokyo - Complete Guide & Walkthrough