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As seems to be the case with most modern sandbox games, Ghostwire: Tokyo features numerous unlockable skills which are spread out across multiple skill trees. During the first chapter, the game will force players to spend their first ten Skill Points unlocking the Takehaya I Charge Attack as part of a larger tutorial chapter. After that though, players will be free to choose how and when they spend their points.

RELATED: Ghostwire: Tokyo - How to Destroy the Barrier Around KK's Safehouse

While this freedom can be very refreshing at first and allows players to tailor their builds to better match their own strengths and weakness, the sheer variety of unlockables can be a little overwhelming. There are 68 of them in total, so figuring out which skills to unlock first in Ghostwire: Tokyo can be a little confusing, particularly in the first few chapters. This guide will highlight some of the best early-game skills to make life a little easier for beginners.

What are the Best Skills to Unlock First in Ghostwire: Tokyo?


Ghostwire: Tokyo's skills are broken up into three main categories: Abilities, Ethereal Weaving, and Equipment. To begin with, players will want to focus most of their attention on the first two, as these are the ones that can make life significantly easier for them during the opening stages of the game. That said, they may also want to upgrade their bow's firing rate sooner rather than later, particularly if they enjoy taking a stealthier approach. Aside from that, the following are the best skills to unlock first in Ghostwire: Tokyo.

Spectral Vision - Range Boost (Omoigane II)


Spectral vision is activated with the Square button and is one of the most important tools in a player's arsenal. This is because it not only allows them to see enemies, spirits, and hidden items from a great distance away, but also any consumable items that can be picked up. For this reason, upgrading the Spectral Vision with Omoigane II should be the very first thing that players do, as those extra 10 meters of range can really make a huge difference.

Omoigane II can be found in the Abilities skill tree and will cost players 10 Skill Points to unlock.

Core Grab - Speed Boost (Kukurihime I)


Those looking to level up quickly should be aiming to perform as many Core Grabs as possible, due to the extra XP and Ether that doing so provides. Unfortunately, however, stopping to pull out an enemy's core can leave players vulnerable to attacks from elsewhere, and being hit will lead to the enemy whose core players are trying to grab returning to full health. Kukurihime I can help quite a lot in this regard, as it increases the speed at which cores are extracted by a whopping 50%.

Kukurihime I can be found in the Abilities skill tree and will cost players 10 Skill Points to unlock.

Consumables - Capacity Boost (Daikoku I)


Depending on their chosen difficulty settings and their personal skill level, some players may find themselves needing to heal themselves a lot more frequently than others. For these people, investing in Daikoku I is a solid choice, as doing so will increase carry capacity for each individual consumable from three to five. Those who excel at blocking and dodging may want to skip this one, but it's still a solid skill to have as it decreases the chances of needing to leave items behind.

Daikoku I can be found in the Equipment skill tree and will cost players 10 Skill Points to unlock.

Wind Charge Attack - More Shots (Shinatsuhiko I)


While the bow can be useful for stealthy approaches, being able to fire projectiles with one's bare hands kind of makes it feel a little redundant at times, particularly as arrows are a lot harder to come by than Ether. Granted, the bow is quite a bit stronger than ethereal attacks, but it's also much slower too, which can leave players open to unnecessary damage. Besides, with Shinatsuhiko I, charged Wind attacks become a lot more deadly, further diminishing the bow's usefulness.

Shinatsuhiko I can be found in the Ethereal Weaving skill tree and will cost players 20 Skill Points to unlock.​​​​​​​

Faster Sneaking (Inubashiri I)


Sneaking around and performing stealth takedowns is a great way to earn XP in Ghostwire: Tokyo, particularly in the early game. Sadly, the slow speed at which players move while crouching can make life a lot more tedious than it needs to be. With this in mind, those who enjoy stealth-based gameplay but don't like being forced to move at a snail's pace should definitely invest their Skill Points in Inubashiri I, which increases movement speed while crouching by a massive 30%.

Inubashiri I can be found in the Abilities skill tree and will cost players 10 Skill Points to unlock.​​​​​​​

Ghostwire: Tokyo is available now on PC and PS5.

MORE: Ghostwire: Tokyo - Complete Guide & Walkthrough