Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is a phenomenal multiplayer action game for fans of the franchise. The main thing players want to do in Ghostbusters video games naturally, is to play as one of the Ghostbusters. While this is natural and even the main way to play Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, this time round there is another option that many have dreamed of; playing as a ghost.

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Yes, that is correct, Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed allows players to take control of a spectral entity and cause havoc in the buildings of New York City. Playing as a ghost brings a whole new way to play the game as well as an entirely different control scheme. New players may be able to find some useful tips for successful haunting runs in this guide.

6 Summon Minions


Being a ghost is tough work, players will need to really keep an eye on the entire map and be conscious of where the Ghostbusters are at all times. Coupled with this, each action, including moving fast, takes away parts of the ghost energy meter.

Running down the energy meter makes the ghost move slowly and easier to catch. If players find themselves caught in this situation they may want to release their minions. Using this action summons smaller ghosts that will distract and attack the Ghostbusters allowing players to slip away to recover.

5 Scare Civilians


In each of the available mission areas, ghosts are tasked with getting 100% haunted rating in addition to surviving capture attempts. Playing as iconic ghosts such as Slimer is definitely a lot of fun. Flying room to room causing mischief along the way will certainly help trip up the Ghostbusters and help raise the haunting meter.

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Civilians are essential to a ghost achieving victory in matches. Each civilian has a fear meter and bringing it to max will cause them to run away in fear. Scaring civilians is done by chasing them down and using ghost powers to terrify the victim. Making sure to recharge ghost powers is essential as using a ghost action will drain energy and could lead to capture.

4 Possess Objects


Playing as a ghost is a tiring task, every movement made at speed and ghost ability used will drain the energy meter. Recovering this energy is essential to continue haunting the building and scaring civilians. Luckily there is a way to regain lost energy quickly, so that the scares can continue. Moving at regular speed recovers energy slowly and can also lead to being spotted or captured by the Ghostbusters.

To speed up energy recovery, find an object nearby that has possess or haunt pop up option. This turns the game into a mini version of Garrys Mod and is a hilarious feature. Choose the possess option to enter the object and energy will recover at a much faster speed than simply moving normally or staying still. Word of warning here though, if players move whilst in the object, energy recovery will slow down. So be mindful of movement when possessing items with the sim to recover quickly.

3 Ultimate Ability


The Ghostbusters in the game have a wide array of equipment and weaponry to slow down ghosts trying to haunt buildings, making Ghostbusters Spirits Unleasheda great Halloween time game. To balance this out the ghosts have their own ghost abilities like screaming to scare civilians or being able to spew out slime to trap the pursuing heroes.

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Sitting in the ghosts own arsenal of moves is an ultimate ability. These strong moves should be used sparingly and only when necessary as they take the longest time to recharge. If the player is cornered by a Ghostbuster or is being pursued by one, pulling off the ultimate ability will buy time to escape to another room and is the strongest move a ghost has to use.

2 Phase Through Walls


During the tutorial for playing as a ghost, players are taught about how to use rifts, just like in the PlayStation 5 platformer Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. These rifts allow ghosts to move through walls to avoid capture and continue the haunting. Rifts can be hidden in objects in order to hide their location from the pursuing Ghostbuster team.

Rifts are a main objective for the Ghostbusters to find and destroy. As a ghost, having all rifts destroyed will remove the ability to respawn, meaning the next tap they get caught in could be their last. So the best tactic is to keep some rifts active to allow a swift escape but be prepared to grab and hide them when the team is close to discovering the player's location.

1 Sabotage Them


For the Ghostbusters, their main task is to destroy all rifts and prevent the ghost player from getting 100% haunting level of the building. They will pursue the ghost all over the map, some members of the Ghostbusters team are scientists and will use every tool at their disposal to trap the ghost. It would be unfair if the ghost player wasn’t able to turn the tables on the heroes and trip them up along the way.

Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed indeed provides ghosts with some useful abilities to survive the hunt and maybe even force the Ghostbusters to leave in defeat. One of these abilities is sabotage, this can be performed when behind a Ghostbuster who is unaware. Sneak behind and press the action button to sabotage their proton packs. This will cause a malfunction in the pack, slowing them down and providing a window to escape to another room.

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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