Combining tactics, strategy, and a host of different vehicles and weapons at the player's disposal, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was the sequel to Ghost Recon: Wildlands. While getting off to a shaky start, the game has undergone several improvements since its 2019 release to warrant players revisiting the game or attracting new visitors to the Ghost Recon franchise.

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Ghost Recon: Breakpoint features a surprisingly deep roster of character classes that players can utilize to bring out the best offensive weapons according to their preferred style of play. Whether players are more inclined to stealth kills, long-distance shots, or running straight into the belly of the beast, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint will have the right equipment to serve any purpose. With seven different options to choose from, players should take note of what each class entails and which of them will bring out the best in their strategic preferences.

7 Pathfinder

The Pathfinder class from Ghost Recon Breakpoint accompanied by a solider and the class logo

The ultimate strategist and the most resourceful member of the Ghost Recon: Breakpoint roster, the Pathfinder is adept at maximizing resources and scoping out threats in order to devise a plan of attack. This class makes use of a thermal vision for identifying adversaries and will use a recon drone to scope out hostiles and tactical caches alike.

The class technique, Armaros Interface, empowers Pathfinders with a high-altitude drone with enough firepower to spot enemies from above and flat-line them before they know what has hit them. Unique to this class, Pathfinders can only fill the technique gauge by using their Uplink Protocol item.

6 Echelon

Details of the Echelon Class in Ghost Recon Breakpoint next to a soldier

Gaming ninjas have options when it comes to character classes in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, as the Echelon class is one of two options that provide perks to players who thrive in remaining undetected. Players with the Echelon tag have greater stealth bonuses and are far deadlier with handguns, which can be attributed to the higher damage bonus.

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Echelon players will also have their own superpower that enables them to see enemies through the walls. With the Sonar Vision class technique, enemies can be marked through walls and any drones will be disrupted to avoid detection. This is available to players who fill the perk's gauge by performing stealth and close-range kills.

5 Field Medic

The Field Medic class from Ghost Recon Breakpoint accompanied by a solider and the class logo

Living by the old adage "strength in numbers," the Field Medic class is designed for the team players and those that won't sprint past a downed comrade during their own killing spree. The Field Medic class rewards players that support their teammates and equips them with the tools to self-revive and heal comrades faster.

The class technique Healing Drone enables players to access downed teammates that otherwise may be inaccessible by operating a drone to help revive a wounded comrade. In order to fill the technique gauge to make use of the drone, players will need to revive teammates and cause damage to enemy drones. Unlike the other classes, the Field Medic thrives from the success of the team, so the technique gauge is also impacted by kills made by teammates.

4 Engineer

Details for the Engineer Class in Ghost Recon Breakpoint with a solider standing alongside it on the left

Engineers are tech-savvy soldiers that use the many technologically advanced weapons at their disposal to gain an advantage over their enemies. In this class, players can make use of powered-up drones and more potent grenade launchers to pick off adversaries. Engineers wield higher-damage drones but also benefit from a drone equipped with additional ammunition.

Perhaps the best class technique in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, the Engineer can make use of a lethal Defense Drone, which will attract the attention of enemies by luring them away from the player with a spray of bullets. This technique is perfect for ambushes, or for making a getaway when the odds are not in the player's favor. In order to ready the drone, players need to destroy enemy drones and perform kills with explosives.

3 Sharpshooter

The Sharpshooter class from Ghost Recon Breakpoint accompanied by a solider and the class logo

The Sharpshooter is the perfect toolkit for those with a steady aim over long distances and camping enthusiasts. This class grants players longer breath control, which broadens the window of time to pull the trigger while aiming, and additional bonuses for sniper rifles. Additionally, the Sensor Launcher class item makes it significantly easier to identify targets in a large space.

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The Sharpshooter perk, Armor Buster, gifts players will high-penetration bullets that cause a significant amount more damage, which will be just as deadly on enemy vehicles as it will on human targets. The gauge to earn use of this technique can be boosted from long-range kills and headshots.

2 Assault

The details of the Assault Class in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, next to a soldier

Built for the player that is all about disposing of adversaries by causing as much destruction as possible, the Assault class is designed for those with little regard for their own safety in their quest to inflict pain. With a loadout that boosts health with every kill and fills the technique gauge from close range and explosive kills, the Assault class is the perfect starting point for those introducing themselves to the Ghost Recon franchise.

The Assault class' technique, True Grit, grants the player a reduction in weapon recoil and makes them more resistant to damage. As a sweetener, the technique duration will lengthen as kills are made while simultaneously replenishing health. For those that find themselves in the firing line more often than not, the Assault class is perfect for a reckless style of play.

1 Panther

The Panther class from Ghost Recon Breakpoint accompanied by a soldier and the clas logo

Like the great black cat from where it gets its name, the Panther class is suited for players who thrive in the shadows, preparing to pounce on their prey. This class offers bonus stealth and faster movement and will take away the damage penalty for using weapon suppressors. It also includes a cloaking spray, which renders the player completely invisible on the radar of drones and enemy players alike.

The Panther class technique, Cloak and Run, provides players with a potent smoke grenade that completely masks them in a thick fog. This technique is useful for either closing the gap on an adversary or for making a quick getaway when the cards aren't in the player's favor. Players who favor stealth will not have any problem filling the technique gauge, as bonuses are granted for stealth and close-range kills.

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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