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Steel is a very valuable resource in Ghost of Tsushima, as it is often required to upgrade any of Jin's numerous weapons. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, steel is also a very rare resource in Ghost of Tsushima, and players will often find themselves wanting more. Thankfully, there's a trick to farm infinite steel.

Ghost of Tsushima's weapon upgrading system is deep and satisfying, but players will need to constantly explore to find the materials needed to make the most out of it. While this is certainly a lot of fun, those looking for a shortcut now have a faster and more efficient material farming method.

RELATED: Ghost of Tsushima: How to Get Half Bow and Longbow

Steel can be found in various chests throughout Ghost of Tsushima's massive open world, but they are so spread out that it can be difficult to get in large quantities. The crux of this farming strategy is based on the concept of checkpoint reloading and how it interacts with the items in the world.

ghost of tsushima (1)

Essentially, whenever the player reloads a checkpoint, they keep all of the materials they've gained but materials in the world all respawn. This means that if a player is able to find a source of steel, all they need to do is reload the checkpoint after grabbing it and then get it again. Doing this enough times will easily result in an overabundance of steel and it works with other resources as well. The one drawback to this is that Jin will need to find a source of steel in one of Ghost of Tsushima's three regions first, but that isn't actually all too hard.

Steel can be found in chests all over the world map of Ghost of Tsushima, but Traveller's Rest Inn and Saltwind Estate have guaranteed quantities of steel. These are easy to find places that are great for use with this strategy. Unfortunately, the fastest way to respawn at a checkpoint is to die, meaning that players wanting to take full advantage of this exploit are going to have to submit Jin to a lot of unnecessary deaths. This isn't a big deal to some, but those that take pride in their death counts for games will certainly need to find another way to get

There's also the question of integrity, as it clearly wasn't Sucker Punch Productions' plan to have players repeatedly kill themselves to get easy steel. With that in mind, those still wanting to make use of this should probably do so quickly, as it seems to only be a matter of time before this feature is patched out.

Ghost of Tsushima is available now exclusively for PS4.

MORE: Ghost of Tsushima: How Many Acts?

Source: Dexerto